- This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 5 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Paul StantonMemberThis message has not been recovered.
Riyad KallaMemberThis message has not been recovered.
Paul StantonMemberThis message has not been recovered.
Riyad KallaMemberThis message has not been recovered.
Paul StantonMemberThis message has not been recovered.
mjmesitiMemberAny update on this? How about an ETA on when it will be fixed. Just curious why the validator is not working properly – it must have been noticed in testing, right? I can’t believe it wouldn’t have, and still released the product.
I apologize if I appear frustrated, but I keep seeing the same responses to things that worked, and then don’t. It has been a reoccurring theme… please give me the reassurance to continue using your product.
Riyad KallaMembermjmesiti,
If a tool you are using is not doing it’s job, you have every right to be frustrated, especially a tool you are paying for. Needless to say it makes me sick when it’s *our* tool that is misbehaving.We are aware of some of the subpar performance with the validators and are working to correct them. All I can offer you is that we will continue to support and enhance the product as we have always done, if at any point you decide the tool is no longer for you, we have always offered a 100% money back guaruntee that you can invoke at any time during your subscription. We want to earn your business, that is our goal at the end of the day.
mjmesitiMemberI appreciate your kind gesture of understanding. Rest assured, I am not bailing ship yet; I feel you have a great product and I am committed for the long haul. However, I am sure you understand, if productivity cannot be improved with this product, I must question its usefulness to me.
Just to be completely open and getting everything out on the table: I know that your product uses Eclipse WebTools (WTP) for editor and other j2ee functions. I decided to download WTP to see how the validator performs. I have installed WebTools before, but not the version 1.5.x that MyEclipse is using (I believe that is the version you are using). Interestingly, the validator reports errors on exactly the same lines, with exactly the same errors.
I need to know: how much control does MyEclipse product actually have over this? It appears that MyEclipse is simply an compilation of various plugins and libraries, developed by others. Do you have a substantial programming staff? I am asking this so that I know what I am really buying, and who I should expect to receive support. If it is WTP, or Eclipse – please say so. I will take my discussion there and report the problems to the appropriate party.
Riyad KallaMembermjmesiti,
I assure you that the feature set built ontop of WTP, the support, customer base and dedication from the company to the product is substantial. If the only thing you are using is the source editors than WTP and MyEclipse will seem very similar, but as you move deeper (Spring/Hibernate functionality, DB explorer, visual HTML/JSP/Struts/JSF designer and so on) you start to see where we spend our time working.The reason for the confusion is that WTP is provided as a web platform for integrators to build on, which is what we do. There is no reason for us to spend our time building a JSP editor when the WTP team is doing a good job of it now. That does lead to confusion from time to time and unfortunately means we do inherit bugs from WTP implicitly.
As far as who you should turn to for support, it is us. That is part of the $30 price tag you paid for and we will always try and provide the most timely and detailed support. From time to time we get bug reports that originate in the WTP code, in which case we evaluate that and file them with the WTP team so you don’t need to worry about that. Of course for some of our more advanced users they prefer to file the WTP bugs directly and monitor them, that’s always fine to. The only work there is to figure out which is a MyEclipse and which is an Eclipse bug.
I hope that addresses your questions.
mjmesitiMemberThanks for the answer. Besides the JSP editor, the rest of your product works very well! The JSP editor is a big part of the IDE, however, and is indispensable to j2ee development. I have been using your product for over 2 years – I am always looking forward to each new version with new features. Any idea of when you will be incorporating changes from the latest WTP build? And is it possible to manually upgrade just the jsp editor component?
Thanks again for your quick and thorough response.
Riyad KallaMemberWe will be rolling in *all* fixes from Eclipse 3.2.1/WTP 1.5.1 into the MyEclipse 5.0.3 release which we internally have targetted for testing at the end of October and release Nov 6th, so soon.
mjmesitiMemberThat’s wonderful news. I am looking forward to the update. Thanks for the info.
FYI, since my last post, I used the Eclipse Software Updater (Help/Software Updates/Find and Install…) and installed all recommended updates. Things are much more stable and the validators behave more nicely. With the updates you are rolling in for November, I am sure things will be even better.
I have made the following recommendations within my organization for our installs – I hope this can be of help to some of you:
1) Use JRE 5.0 (1.5.0_06) for running Eclipse – things are about 300% more stable. I don’t necessarily build with 5.0, just run Eclipse in 5.0.
2) Use the following startup options (I have 3 GB of RAM, modify VM memory settings accordingly)
C:\eclipse-SDK-3.2-win32\eclipse.exe –clean -vm “c:\jre1.5.0_06\bin\javaw.exe” -vmargs -Xms256M -Xmx512M -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M
3) Turn off / uncheck “Report Problems as you type” (Eclipse Window/Preferences…/MyEclipse/Editors/Common Editor Preferences)
4) Run Update Manger as many times as needed until there are no more updates#4 may be able to be skipped once ME 5.0.3 comes out.
Riyad KallaMemberThank you for the update, I’m glad to hear that those changes/updates signifigantly improved the stability of everything. I will let the developers know.