@support-nipun wrote:
Please go to our download section and download our 6.0 “All In One” installer. It includes the JRE, Eclipse and MyEclipse all pre-integrated and optimized to run together and you won’t have to mess around with any installation problems. It’s the fastest way to get you up and running with a clean install. Make sure you install it to a new location and not over your old install.
There should have been something wrong with my installation….I’ve cleaned up everything and reinstalled from the original package and it worked.
Then I found out what was wrong: that [CENSORED] of Trend Micro antivirus, that stops silently Myeclipse from working: I installed MyEclipse twice. The first was with A/V on the second with the A/V off. The second worked, and continues to work.
Thanks for the time spent on this problem.