
[Closed]Downgrading to XDoclet 1.2.2 in MyEclipse 4

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  • #238529 Reply

    I’ve upgraded my copies of myEclipse from 3.x to 4.x and now get an error in my XDoclet-generated Hibernate mappings:

    Attribute “unique” was already specified for element “many-to-one”.

    This is caused by a known bug in XDoclet 1.2.3 ( http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg10374.html ), and the workaround is to either 1) check out and build a new work-in-progress version of XDoclet or 2) downgrade to 1.2.2.

    I would like to downgrade, but keep the rest of myEclipse 4.0 intact. How can I do this?

    (This is under Eclipse 3.1, freshly installed, on both WinXP and Mac OS 10.4)


    #238530 Reply


    If you have a 4.0M3 installation, you could copy the hibernate module file <MYECLIPSE_INSTALLATION>/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.core_3.9.210/xdoclet-hibernate-module-1.2.2.jar and put it into your 4.0GA installation. Then you could move the existing hibernate 1.2.3 module file to a backup directory. Then, go into MyEclipse and open the XDoclet preference page at Window > Preferences > MyEcipse > XDoclet, then select the “Refresh XDoclet Modules” button. Then go to the Code Assist preference page and select “Refresh XDoclet Data”. Now the 1.2.2 version of the hibernate module should be used for XDoclet generation.

    I haven’t actually tested this but it should work. Let us know if you continue to have problems.

    #238538 Reply

    That worked (I used a copy of xdoclet-hibernate-module-1.2.2.jar from the standard xdoclet distribution.)

    Thanks Greg!


    #238540 Reply


    Glad its working.

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