
class not found during deployment to WAS7

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  • #323602 Reply


    We just migrated 3 apps from RAD 7.5 to MEB and we are facing in interesting issue. One of the projects (configured exactly like the 2 other projects in the same workspace and deployed to the same server) builds fine inside the IDE but when we go to deploy, during the build phase of the deploy it cannot find one of the jars in the build path and throws the following errors multiple times for each class in the missing jar:
    XXXXXX cannot be resolved to a type.
    The import XXX.XXXX.XXXX cannot be resolved

    where XXXXXX is one of the classes in the jar that it seems to not be able to find.

    there are no errors at all in the workspace and as I stated before we can do a clean/build within the IDE without issue.

    The funny thing is that there are 2 other apps that I have in the same workspace with the same configuration, referencing the exact same set of library jars that are in the same location in the workspace and they both deploy without issue. These other 2 apps were also migrated from RAD 7.5 and we followed the same steps to do the migration for all 3 and these 2 worked and run flawlessly on the server where the third app builds in the workspace but won’t deploy at all.

    We have been pulling our hair out for the last 3 days trying to figure out why this is happening. I have scoured the forums but found nothing specific to this issue.

    Our environment is currently MEB 8.6.1 with WAS

    Any assistance would be appreciated.


    Andre Azaroff

    #323660 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    1) Could you tell me exactly where the JAR is (is it in a web project or a utility project or the EAR, etc.) and the exact project relative location?

    2) Are other JARs placed in the same location accessible to this application, is it only this single JAR that is failing?

    3) What is the structure of this app – is it an EAR? What module projects does it have? Which module references this JAR?

    4) What deployment mode have you configured the server in?

    5) The exact error message you get during deployment would be helpful.

    6) If you can go to the deployment location, has the JAR been copied over?

    7) The EAR property page (Project properties > MyEclipse > EAR) has several deployment settings, are you sure these settings are the same across your projects? Module projects will also have similar deployment settings.

    #323687 Reply


    Brian, thanks for your reply.

    1. The jar is in a utility project. The library jars referenced are placed in a shared library on the server and are not specific to a single app but are used by all of them.

    2.There are 9 other jars in the project. There is no indication that any of the other jars are not being found, the only errors are from classes in one of the jars so I have to assume that only one is not being found. I have refreshed, cleaned/build, removed and replaced them, restarted the IDE, etc. but it never seems to get picked up.

    3. The app has a standard structure. The ear contains a web, ejb, and ejb client modules. The The jar is referenced by both the web and ejb modules but the build dumps after the ejb module fails to compile so I don’t know if the web project also fails to find the jar.

    4. The server is configured for classic deployment mode where the EAR is built and distributed to the server’s installable applications directory. We do not run with resources referenced in the workspace.

    5.Here is a sample of the errors
    The import xxx.xxx.xxx.DataService cannot be resolved
    DataService cannot be resolved to a type
    The method getClrDataService() from the type CreditCollectionEJB refers to the missing type DataService

    These are repeated multiple times for different classes in one of the jars (with DataService replaced by about 10 other class names).

    6. The jar is not copied into the deployment. It is referenced on the server through a shared library that points to the jars in the utility project so it is not required to be in the deployment. As I said we do not have an issue at run time, just build time.

    7. Yes we have checked the deployment setting on the EAR and all the modules. They are correct and exactly the same for all three applications in the workspace yet 2 of the apps build and deploy properly but this one does not.

    One more thing I forgot to mention. If I do an explicit export to an EAR and then manually install the EAR through the WAS admin console the app builds, deploys and runs correctly. Using this workaround is rather annoying and we would like to fix the configuration error rather than continue to manually export/install/uninstall this app.

    Thank you again for your assistance.

    Andre Azaroff

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