- This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 5 months ago by
Peter HancoxMemberI have been using the Mobile Web Simulator for a little while and just upgraded Chrome browser to 64-bit.
The simulator appears to mostly work, but I am experiencing some strange behaviour when reloading after making changes that forces me to restart the simulator.
Is 64-bit Chrome supposed to work?
Sorry that you are seeing issues with Mobile Web Simulator.
Can you please give us some more details to help us investigate further?
1. Please share the Installation Details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details.
2. Please switch to a new workspace, replicate the issue with the Simulator and check if you see any errors of interest logged in the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log. If yes, then please share the entire contents of the .log file.
To add to Swapna’s questions, please also provide details of what you mean by “some strange behaviour” so that we know what to look for when trying to replicate the problem.
Peter HancoxMemberHi Guys,
I was initially just trying to determine if this was a Chrome 64-bit problem. If I received a response that Chrome 64-bit wasn’t supported or had known issues, then I would just revert back to 32-bit Chrome.
However, if you’re saying that Chrome 64-bit should work without any issues then I will pursue this further.
The specific issue I noticed was that (sometimes) after refreshing source code, the variable containing a reference to a local Web SQL database wasn’t valid. This seemed to be the only problem that I noticed and the real application and testing with 32-bit Chrome were OK.
In the next couple of days I will revisit debugging in 64-bit Chrome and get back to you with a more detailed description of the problem.
However, if there are known issues with 64-bit Chrome and/or it is not supported please let me know and I will happily just go back to 32-bit.
Peter HancoxMemberBack to debugging using 64-bit Chrome and I think that the particular issues I was experiencing could well have been the same as under 32-bit Chrome. I have been using 64-bit all today and I’m now assuming that it is behaving the same as 32-bit.
However, I have another issue where doubleclicking in the simulator is also generating a taphold event. This isn’t the behaviour on real device (Sony Xperia Z1 Compact) where all appears to work as expected. Relevant code attached.
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I’ve asked a developer to take a look at this. Hopefully, we’ll have something for you soon.
Peter HancoxMemberThanks for that; and one other quick question. I’m very new to phonegap development so please excuse me if this is a stupid question …
In the web simulator I have been using “alert(‘msgtext’);” to display a blocking dialog box for debugging purposes. However, when this is executed on a real android device, nothing is displayed and execution continues uninterrupted.
Do I need to install the notification plugin for this to work?
You need to use
To have it work on the device.
Regarding your first issue, we weren’t able to see the event with the form you sent. Is it possible to send us a complete project that exhibits the problem?
Peter HancoxMemberI’m surprised that using the form outside the project would make any difference, however, I’ve zipped up the entire project as it stands and attached.
While you’re at it, if you can offer any opinion on why double clicking the grid appears to click at the same point after displaying the popup I would much appreciate it. Don’t think this is a phonegap problem as it appear to only affect the JQM popup (not the jqWidgets popup window in the emergencycontacts form). What happens is that double clicking displays the popup and it immediately gets dismissed as if the user clicked outside the popup window. If you double click the grid in the area that the popup is displayed then everything works fine as if the phantom click is now above the popup so it isn’t dismissed. I tried making the popup non-dismissable but that doesn’t appear to be working either.
One last minor pont that you’re probably aware of; when launching the simulator the iPhone simulator is launched even if you click on “Android”.
Thanks for your help.
Peter HancoxMemberCouldn’t attach so sent via PM.
Peter HancoxMember@support-tony wrote:
You need to use
To have it work on the device.
OK, got that to work. However, “alert()” is blocking whereas “navigator.notification.alert()” is not. Is this the way things are supposed to be? If it were necessary, how would you go about implementing a blocking debug message similar to the “alert()” function?
And on a related note, how do you get to see “console.log()” messages on Android aLogCat? I have added the cordova.console plugin already but nothing seems to be appearing on the log.
I’m afraid you seem to be asking development questions rather than MyEclipse issues. I’ll have to leave those types of question for other developers here, or you could try external forums.
Regarding the taphold event issue, thanks for the project, which I’ve managed to run in the simulator. What I’m seeing seems to be what you described in one of your comments. The double-click brings up the editor pop-up which is immediately replaced by the context menu (presumably as a result of the taphold event being generated). If this does not happen on a real device, then either the simulator isn’t generating the correct events (or in the correct order), or there is a bug on the phone software. I suspect the former 🙂
I’ve raised a bug for this but can’t say when it will be fixed. Regarding the slightly different behavior when double clicking in the area where the edit pop-up appears, I can’t offer any help other than to say that, if the taphold event shouldn’t be generated, anyway, the question is rather moot; on the real device, this wouldn’t be an issue.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the cooperation with the project.
support-tonyKeymasterBy the way, it appears that the mobile simulator appears in whatever mode was last used (or IOS if this is the first time) but then switches to the device type specified. Consequently, the next time, it should appear correctly immediately (if you don’t specify a different mode).
Peter HancoxMember@support-tony wrote:
I’m afraid you seem to be asking development questions rather than MyEclipse issues. I’ll have to leave those types of question for other developers here, or you could try external forums.
No worries, thanks anyway.
@support-tony wrote:
Regarding the taphold event issue, thanks for the project, which I’ve managed to run in the simulator. What I’m seeing seems to be what you described in one of your comments. The double-click brings up the editor pop-up which is immediately replaced by the context menu (presumably as a result of the taphold event being generated). If this does not happen on a real device, then either the simulator isn’t generating the correct events (or in the correct order), or there is a bug on the phone software. I suspect the former 🙂
In my case I actually see both. Double click brings up the edit popup followed immediately by the context menu, however the edit popup remains visible and usable.
@support-tony wrote:
Regarding the slightly different behavior when double clicking in the area where the edit pop-up appears, I can’t offer any help other than to say that, if the taphold event shouldn’t be generated, anyway, the question is rather moot; on the real device, this wouldn’t be an issue.
I don’t think it’s a taphold that is happening though. On a real device the popup disappears if it wasn’t over the point of the doubleclick but there is no context menu shown either. I guess it’s possible it is a taphold but on the device the context menu is being dismissed also?
@support-tony wrote:
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the cooperation with the project.
Not a problem; thanks for your help.
Just so I’m clear here (I don’t have a real device to try), on the real device, the edit contact pop-up appears wherever you double-click but disappears immediately unless the pointer is within the area of the pop-up. Also, on the real device, the context menu never appears for a double click, wherever the pointer is. Is that right? I just want to make sure that the developers have all the information.
If the edit contact popup disappears unless the pointer is within the pop-up, that sounds like a development issue that you’d have to pursue separately, as that is happening both in the simulator and on the real device.