- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 8 months ago by
conradvdpMemberin M9
When I make manual changes in the .html and .js files (run Test Center, View Source) and save them (using the Save function), next time I open the files, my manual changes are gone.
* create new file
* click “Run Design in Test Center Emulator” (green arrow)
* in Test Center: click on Browser – View Source
* make changes in .html and .js files
* click “Save” using the icon in toolbar
* close MobiOne
* open MobiOne
* open modified files: manual changes are gone (tried multiple times to make sure)-C
wayneModeratorHi Conrad,
Unfortunately in 1.0M9 we ran out of time and did not complete our planned code-gen enhancements to support user customization of HTML files generated from a design. We are planning to introduce a merging model very soon that will avoid overwriting your modifications. In the short term, let me propose that you stabilize your design(s) before beginning to customize the generated HTML code.
Out of curiousity can you share the type of customization you are making to the HTML? This info will go straight to the dev team to ensure that the upcoming enhancements support your practice.
Genuitec Mobile Team
conradvdpMemberHi Wayne,
This is what I will try to accomplish many times when writing mobile applications (and MobiOne is my first choice for this market):
Almost all applications I write need a real time connection to a database server (mostly SQL Server) already hosted and accessible through the internet. These are applications that support small/medium size businesses and are not the type of applications you’ll see in the app store.
If the app will be hosted on a server that’s different than where the database resides, I need a way to pull data from that database in real time.
Since I don’t think I have some kind of PHP/ASP access on the app hosted server I will have to stick to JQuery/AJAX.
One example is a simple table listing each product in a row (with a thumbnail image, a title and a link). I used the designer to do this manually (works great), but in reality those products listed will change from day to day.
So I tried to implement JQuery to pull a series of rows in pre-formatted html from my database server (using YQL) and put it in a pre-defined “div” tag in the HTML code that MobiOne created.
If I test this on my server it works fine and yesterday I tried to implement it in my MobiOne test application and couldn’t get it to work.
I understand you might have a solution in the next milestone release and that’s fine.. I can wait…
Keep up the good work, it’s becoming an exciting product. I tested the program on iPhone, Android, Palm and Blackberry devices and all looks fine!
wayneModeratorThanks for sharing your usage plans.
For the convenience of other readers I’ve included the link to your other support question about how to access remote content and avoid the common cross site security (XSS) issue:
Genuitec Mobile Team -