- This topic has 15 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
I’ve just installed copilot for eclipse.
Copilot is working fine with VS Code (so nothing wrong with my github suscription), but is not providing any suggestion on eclipse.When activating copilot4eclipse logs, I can see that the query submitted is immediately “cancelled”.
I am using a corporate proxy, but I have no problems with Eclipse Marketplace using “Native” network settings.
Best regards
Logs :[2023-12-01T17:29:55.116420300+01:00] LANGUAGE_SERVER_TO_LSP4E com.genuitec.copilot4eclipse.copilot: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"12","result":{"status":"OK","user":"XXX"}} [2023-12-01T17:29:55.122419700+01:00] LSP4E_TO_LANGUAGE_SERVER com.genuitec.copilot4eclipse.copilot: Content-Length: 659 [2023-12-01T17:29:55.122419700+01:00] LSP4E_TO_LANGUAGE_SERVER com.genuitec.copilot4eclipse.copilot: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"13","method":"getCompletionsCycling","params":{"doc":{"tabSize":4,"indentSize":4,"insertSpaces":true,"position":{"line":212,"character":0},"uri":"file:/XXX.java","relativePath":"XXX.java","version":1},"textDocument":{"uri":"file:/XXX.java","version":1},"position":{"line":212,"character":0}}} [2023-12-01T17:29:55.141448400+01:00] LANGUAGE_SERVER_TO_LSP4E com.genuitec.copilot4eclipse.copilot: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"LogMessage","params":{"level":0,"message":"[DEBUG] [getCompletions] [2023-12-01T16:29:55.127Z] Requesting completion at position 212:0, between \" XXX(false, false, false);\\n\" and \" try {\\n final XXX job = new XXX ();\\n\".","metadataStr":"[DEBUG] [getCompletions] [2023-12-01T16:29:55.127Z]","extra":["Requesting completion at position 212:0, between \" XXX(false, false, false);\\n\" and \" try {\\n final XXX job = new XXX();\\n\"."]}} [2023-12-01T17:29:55.142419800+01:00] LANGUAGE_SERVER_TO_LSP4E com.genuitec.copilot4eclipse.copilot: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"13","result":{"completions":[],"cancellationReason":"RequestCancelled"}}
This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by
This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
Brian FernandesModeratorAppreciate all the helpful details upfront!
1) Can you tell us how how you’ve set up the proxy on your machine – is it set via an env variable? And just to confirm, you have no proxy settings in Eclipse on its Network Connections page, you’ve left it at “Native”?
2) What Eclipse package are you using, and what version?
3) What language / editor is this – have you tried editors for other file types (good to know if it’s failing everywhere)?Thanks!
Networks settings are “native” ; my company uses Zscaler (https://www.zscaler.com/products/zscaler-internet-access) and a proxy script.
Target language is Java.My eclipse installation details are:
Bash Editor 2.9.0 de.jcup.basheditor.feature.group Albert Tregnaghi
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Cloud Foundry Manifest Language Server Feature org.springframework.tooling.cloudfoundry.manifest.ls.feature.feature.group VMware, Inc.
CodeTogether Collaboration 2023.2.0.202309191818 com.genuitec.eclipse.codetogether.feature.feature.group Genuitec, LLC
Concourse Pipeline Language Server Feature org.springframework.tooling.concourse.ls.feature.feature.group VMware, Inc.
Copilot4Eclipse com.genuitec.copilot4eclipse.feature.feature.group Genuitec, LLC
DevStyle (includes Darkest Dark Theme) com.genuitec.eclipse.theming.core.feature.feature.group Genuitec, LLC
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Eclipse Java Development Tools 3.19.200.v20230903-1000 org.eclipse.jdt.feature.group Eclipse.org
Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools 3.31.0.v202308110616 org.eclipse.jst.enterprise_ui.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools 3.31.0.v202307061452 org.eclipse.jst.web_ui.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools – JavaScript Support 3.31.0.v202307061452 org.eclipse.jst.web_js_support.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
Eclipse JSON Editor and Tools 1.1.11.v202308160419 org.eclipse.wst.json_ui.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
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JST Server Adapters 3.31.0.v202308110241 org.eclipse.jst.server_adapters.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
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Oomph Setup 1.29.0.v20230828-1517 org.eclipse.oomph.setup.feature.group Eclipse Oomph Project
SonarLint for Eclipse org.sonarlint.eclipse.feature.feature.group SonarSource
Spring Boot Language Server Feature org.springframework.tooling.boot.ls.feature.feature.group VMware, Inc.
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Spring Tool Suite 4 Main Feature org.springframework.boot.ide.main.feature.feature.group VMware, Inc.
SQL Editor 1.4.0 de.jcup.sqleditor.feature.group Albert Tregnaghi
Tip of the Day UI Feature 0.4.100.v20230726-0617 org.eclipse.tips.feature.feature.group Eclipse.org
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Wild Web Developer HTML, CSS, JSON, Yaml, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node tools org.eclipse.wildwebdeveloper.feature.feature.group Eclipse Wild Web Developer project
Wild Web Developer XML tools org.eclipse.wildwebdeveloper.xml.feature.feature.group Eclipse Wild Web Developer project
WST Server Adapters 3.31.0.v202308110241 org.eclipse.wst.server_adapters.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
WST Server UI 3.3.1800.v202308172116 org.eclipse.wst.server_ui.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
Yaml Editor 1.9.0 de.jcup.yamleditor.feature.group Albert Tregnaghi
wayneModeratorThx for the additional info. We are digging in to better understand the various proxy configuration issues.
Can you please try this quick experiment of setting your proxy connection details in an environment variable and then restarting Eclipse?HTTPS_PROXY=userid:pwd@ip:port
without credentials: HTTPS_PROXY=myproxyip:3128
with credentials: HTTPS_PROXY=tom:123@myproxyip:3128Please note there is a known issue where github copilot does not support proxy servers with url starting with “https”.
It will be helpful to know if this works as a workaround while we work through this and another user proxy issue.
it actually worked, thanks!
wayneModeratorThat is good news. Please ping us if you encounter other issues or have a neat feature idea we should know about.
Philipp25ParticipantI have the same problem and get the same logs as Moloch, I tried using a public proxy but had no success with that approach. Might I overlook something here?
Philipp25ParticipantEdit: The proxy settings on my system are not set via environment variables, suggesting that the current method may not work in my situation. Could you advise on what specific information or requests I need to communicate to my network administrators to ensure the plugin works?
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
vmrParticipantI’m facing also the issue with the copilot, the completion status: no completions available
Following steps are done
– Eclipse IDE 2023-12 is being installed
– Copilot plug-in installed and set up successfully, Status: Copilot4Eclilpse: ready
– Network connection in Eclipse is configured by using proxy settings
-> Active Provider: manual
-> Schema HTTP and HTTPS is checked and configured with authenticationAny idea what the reason could be for this issue
This is interesting with the status at ready and no results.
Several things to check:0) With the status showing “ready” try manually requesting Copilot completions:
– Create or open a Java file in the Eclipse java editor.
– Place the cursor inside a method on a blank line.
– Now type the first 2-4 characters of this line “System.out.println(”
– Choose the Copilot menu > Show Completions, watch the status bar to see if there is a short activity with text “Copilot gen…”
– Does the a completion appear to the right of the cursor in light gray text (i.e., ghost text)?
– If yes, inspect the Copilot4Eclipse preferences and enable the “Automatically show Copilot completions” setting. This will enable completions to be requested and displayed in real-time as you type.1) Can you check the Eclipse error log for any errors
If no code suggestions/completions appear in (0) above, check the Eclipse error log for useful error messages.
Please share any details from the log. You may need to clear the log if it is very large and then repeat (0) for a smaller manageable log.2) Signout/Signin
I’m wondering if the Copilot “Status: Copilot4Eclpse Ready” is a false positive. Try signing out and then sign back in from the Copilot menu.
If the process fails on signin please check the error log and share any entries.Hopefully we can get this resolved shortly.
MolochParticipantBad news, I’ve upgraded eclipse to 2024-03 (4.31.0) and the plugin to and it totally stopped working.
I can neither sign in to copilot nor get recommandations.I have error logs such as “java.util.concurrent.CancellationException” due to “channel closing” IO exceptions for all accesses to the copilot server from the plugin.
I have no issue accessing the market place and installing plugins, whatever the “Network” settings : Direct or Manual via a localhost proxy.I the latter case, through a manual proxy, I can see all eclipses queries but none comming from the copilot plugin, so it ignores the network parameter, and setting HTTP_PROXY / HTTPS_PROXY env vars before launching eclipse does not have any effect either.
wayneModeratorHi Moloch,
I’m wondering if you are hitting a plugin incompatibility issue that we identified recently.
1) Can you do me a favor and check your Eclipse install and determine if the “Wild Web Developer editors” plugin is installed. If yes, what is the version number of the plugin?
2) Are you running Eclipse 4.31 with Java 17? If no, what version of Java are you running?
Please share this info and we can work from there.
Copilot4Eclipse Team
I’ve missed your reply.
My wild web developer plugin version is 1.36.202405280856
I’m running with java 21 (corretto).
I have setup a similar environment as you have described on Win 11. Two key difference when running the newer WWD plugin is it moves from using Nodejs v18 to Nodejs v20 internally and I’m not behind an enterprise proxy. No issues with Copilot4Eclipse observed in my test env. I am running a new dev build in prep for an upcoming Copilot4Eclipse 1.2.0 update next week. Would you consider helping us test this build in your environment to see how it functions? If yes send me a note to my attention, [email protected].Wayne
MolochParticipantOk, I’ve made a clean reinstall of my eclipse, and it works again. Kept the old install for reference.
This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by