
Cannot access the domain objects on the WebController.jet

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  • #325289 Reply


    I’m doing an spring mvc scaffolding and I want to get the domain object name assigned to each DAO on the WebController.jet template, I found that I can access to the DAO object but I cannot get the domain object from there.

    Please advise

    <c:iterate select="$model/variables" var="variable">
             <sw:getVariableDetail select="$variable" core="datastore" isExternal="isExternal" alias="aliasName" hasInitialValue="hasInitialValue"/>
            <c:get select="$datastore" /> 
             c:include template="templates/variables/VariableDeclaration.jet" />
    #325339 Reply


    Sorry for the delayed response. It took a while to find the answer. There is a skyway function named getDataTypeForDao.

    Replace your: <c:get select=”$datastore” /> with:

    <sw:getDataTypeForDao select=”$datastore” var=”dt” />
    <c:get select=”$dt/@name” />

    Of course, you can use any variable name instead of “dt”.

    #325509 Reply

    Thanks for your support that was what I was looking for.

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