
Can’t open rptdesign files.

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  • #318513 Reply



    I am working with windows 7 64 bit on MyEclipse Version: 8.6.1
    Build id: 8.6.1-20101117.

    I have third party plug-in named “Subclipse 1.6” for connecting to SVN.

    I can’t create new Report Web Project cause I have only “Standard” license of myEclipse.

    I uninstalled myEclipse and installed version 7.1.
    When trying to open the rptdesign file again, I got another error message:

    “Could not open the editor: Project topit_web is not configured as a MyEclipse Report Web Project. Therefore the MyEclipse Report Editor may not be used to open this file. The default XML Editor has been used instead.”

    I tried to stand on “topit_web” and right click – MyEclipse – Add Report Capabilities , but I could not proceed cause I have the Standard license.


    #318531 Reply


    mottymotty ,

    Sorry that you are seeing this issue with MyEclipse. I could not replicate the issue at my end.

    1) Can you share your Build Id from Help > About MyEclipse Enterprise Edition > Build Id? Paste the Build Id here.

    2) Did you install any third party plugins lately ?

    3) Are you creating a new Report Web Project or editing an existing one ?

    4) Can you switch to a new workspace,recreate the Report Web Project and check if you see the same issue ?

    Let me know how this works for you.

    #318571 Reply



    1) MyEclipse Reports are not available on the standard license. Take a look at this link for more information :

    2) You need to upgrade your license to be able to work with MyEclipse Reports. You can write an email to [email protected] for the same with your subscription details.

    3) I suggest you work with the latest release MyEclipse 9.1.

    a) You can download MyEclipse 9.1 from this link : http://www.myeclipseide.com/index.php?name=Recommend_Us&req=Download&version=ME

    b) Alternatively, you can use Pulse to install it. Here is the FAQ for the same :

    Let me know if you have any issues.

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