
Camera inside widget & BarcodeScanner

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  • #349640 Reply


    Hello guys!

    I’m really new to MobiOne and mobile development in general. I have to do a task in order to succeed my IT college and i struggle with some functions I need to implement into my app.

    To accomplish these function I thought it’d be a good idea to ask in this forum, as I can’t seem to find the answer in the internet. First of all, i’d like to know if it’s possible to show the camera of the device inside of an image widget, as I dont think that first opening the camera (which I’ve already implemented), then taking the picture and afterwards showing it inside the camera widget is straight forward.

    In addition to that, I really need a barcode scanner for the picture mentioned above. I already tried out a lot of what I’ve found in the internet, but nothing seems to work like i want. I found the Adobe PhoneGap BarcodeScanner plugin (see here https://build.phonegap.com/plugins/261), but, as I use MobiOne I really don’t know how to add this plugin to my project, because the instructions say, that i have to add

    <gap:plugin name="com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner" version="1.1.0" />

    into the config.xml, which I can’t find inside the www-folder of my project.

    I really have no idea on what I should do now, and I really hope that someone more experienced can tell me that. Sorry for my english skills, it’s not my foreign language.

    Thanks in advance,

    #349646 Reply

    Hi Marco,

    3rd party plugins are not supported at this time. See this ANN that explains Genuitec’s plan to support this and other cool features.

    #349652 Reply


    Thanks for your reply, support-octavio,

    So there is no chance for me to get this working? No workarounds? And the camera view inside a widget isn’t possible, too? Please, there must be a way!


    #349751 Reply


    So I do understand that I cant use 3rd party plugins inside my MobiOne project, but I really need a working barcode reader. Please tell me that there are other ways to implement features which aren’t directly supported by MobiOne.

    This is important for me as it would help me advancing my IT college.

    Kind regards,
    Marco Schlichting

    #349833 Reply


    Well, thanks for help..

    I found some kind of Javascript Barcode Scanner at Tizen Developers: https://developer.tizen.org/documentation/articles/barcode-generator-and-scanner

    The script for the reader can be found here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EddieLa/BarcodeReader/master/src/DecoderWorker.js

    Is there a way to implement that into a MobiOne project?


    #350777 Reply


    Try to use phonegap plugin.

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