
Blue 10 Deployment to WAS 6..1 Server connector

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  • #321463 Reply

    Tom Murray

    After a lot of help from you folks I have been able to get my simple app from RAD over to BLUE and used the enhancement function. In the same workspace I then built another Struts 1.3 app from scratch, not using RAD (this is what I want to do.) They are both J2EE 5 applications. They share two dependent Java projects as do all of the apps we provide. The migrated RAD app with some classpath changes etc required will run fine when I use the IN-Workspace Mode deployment and also works when I export the ear and install on the WAS 6.1 server outside of ME. The scratch built ME app as I mentioned is a Struts 1.3 app. If I use the same deployment function as for the other app, it will not run due to a jndi lookup error where the indirect lookup of java:comp/env/jdbc/dbname fails. The same piece of code is used for all jndi lookups and is part of one of the dependent projects.

    If I export the ear and install it standalone on the was server, it works fine. If I use the Enhanced Mode deployment it seems to work within the IDE deployment as well.

    What should I look for to fix this issue? I can not afford the time to deploy each chance/fix using the Enhanced mode.

    One other thing I noticed is that the ear preferences for the scratch built ME app jars the dependent projects at the root of the ear in the lib directory whereas the migrated version does not use the lib directory.

    Thanks for your help.

    #321464 Reply

    Tom Murray

    Here is my build info.

    MyEclipse Blue Edition

    Version: 10.0 Blue
    Build id: 10.0-Blue-20111028

    (c) Copyright Genuitec, L.L.C. 2000-2011. All rights reserved.
    Visit http://www.myeclipseide.com/

    I run on XP pro sp3 and use DB2 v9.

    #321484 Reply


    tmurray50 ,

    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Could you please send us the deployment log? It is located under directory .myeclipse/logs in EAR project. Please delete the contents of the file, perform the IN Workspace deployment and attach the log file for us to investigate further.

    #321495 Reply

    Tom Murray

    Do you have an email that I can send my logs etc. to for you to look at?

    #321505 Reply


    tmurray50 ,

    You can send them to [email protected] ATTN:SWAPNA as subject. Also mention the link to this thread.

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