- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 10 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
John WooMemberHi
I found out two related topics were post this month, but got no solution yet.
following one of the suggestions to download the manual install version, unfortunately to know it is for Mac O.S., not for windows.
anyway, no idea whether there is a bug in the V3.8.4Beta.exe for eclips- 3.1M6 or in the installanyway program, while trying to install it in my windows 2000 and XP, the installanyway keeps asking
“select another location to extract the V3.8.4Beta..”
Can any one figure it out?
Riyad KallaMemberfollowing one of the suggestions to download the manual install version, unfortunately to know it is for Mac O.S., not for windows.
The manual install is for every platform. It is just a zip file. If you ended up with a different file, then you downloaded the wrong one.
I found out two related topics were post this month, but got no solution yet.
Please link the topics here, I am not aware of a common installer problem and would like to get to the bottom of it ASAP if there is one.
John WooMemberHi
it’s downloaded from the instruction in main page, as
file named:myeclipse_030804_3.1M6Beta.zip
there are 4 files available, the last one (above) is the manual install version, it says it is
Version: 3.8.4 Beta | Filesize: 63.24 MB
Added on: 13-Apr-2005but after download, it is just 61.419M, and unzip it to know it contains a folder name “MacOS”, the only excutable scripts is for MacOS.
two related topics are from
1. Unable to install 3.8.4M6 Beta (Apr 14, 2005 – 11:44 AM)
http://myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-6809.html2. can’t install EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_030804_3.1M6Beta. (Apr 19, 2005)
http://myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-6862.htmlif the downloaded is the wrong, can you tell its url, and where to get the install instruction (I dont see the instruction from the one downloaded)?
Riyad KallaMemberJohn,
file named:myeclipse_030804_3.1M6Beta.zip
there are 4 files available, the last one (above) is the manual install version, it says it is
Version: 3.8.4 Beta | Filesize: 63.24 MB
Added on: 13-Apr-2005This is all correct, I just redownloaded this file.
but after download, it is just 61.419M, and unzip it to know it contains a folder name “MacOS”, the only excutable scripts is for MacOS.
This is *not* what I am seeing, I think you are opening the wrong file. The file size is 63.2MB and the top level contents are “eclipse”(dir) “img”(dir) and “manual-install.html”(file).
John this is in general very odd, I wonder if there is an issue with an proxy that you are behind at work that is corrupting the download OR if you might have a virus or corrupt disk that is corrupting the file.
I am honestly thinking that the issue MIGHT be an HTTP Proxy, because you said you download the file, but you are clearly recieving the wrong file (wrong size/contents), I wonder if your proxy at work is caching the wrong file, getting confused, and sending you the wrong contents.
Since that might be the case, I have reposted the Manual Install file here for you, please try and download it and let me know when you have gotten it: http://www.kallasoft.com/myeclipse/myeclipse_030804_3.1M6Beta.zip
John WooMemberHi Riyad
Thanks lots, it’s now working. just a slight confusion, after downloading, the file size is 64.757M instead of 63.24M
Riyad KallaMemberJohn,
I’m glad to hear that, thank you for hanging in there with me while we figured this out. -