
Ant script War of Jar generation with myEclipse 9.x

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  • #319218 Reply


    i am aware i can export an ant script based on myeclipse’s project configuration.
    Such generated ant-file lacks a WAR of Jar target.

    I have a project consisting of multiple projects with dependencies, lets say
    AppData, AppCode and AppWeb

    MyEclipse can generate an ANT file for each project, but i am missing the WAR of JAR entries, and also the exported libraries i have configured in myEclipse.

    I am obliged to start building using ant again, not solely relying on My Eclipse build functionality after we have implemented RTC’s continuous build-server.

    Can MyEclipse assist me in

      exporting WAR and JAR files
      exporting the ‘exported libraries’ as configured per project in My Eclipse

    Please note: when i use the ‘export AppWeb project’ directly in MyEclipse the generated war is fine, now how can ANT be automated to do this ?

    Kind Regards,

    #319227 Reply



    Sorry. I’m afraid we don’t add any functionality to what basic eclipse provides. You will have to add these steps yourself.

    There is an existing enhancement request that, I think, covers part of what you want:


    #319235 Reply

    the buy / feature request you showed me is exactly what i need. I am goibng to vote on it. If you know external tools that can achieve the same I would like to hears so.
    Thanks for assisting me,

    #319240 Reply



    We’re happy to help. I hope that enhancement request gets more attention.

    Sorry, I don’t know of other tools that would help but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any. It might be worth searching for some.

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