
Add MyEclispe Web bug – doesn’t save J2EE selection if 1.4

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  • #226653 Reply


    Using MyEclispe 3.8.4, Windows XP, Eclipse 3.0.1.

    When I add web capabities to an exting web project, it does not save my J2EE selection if I pick 1.4. Here’s what ends up in the .mymetadata file:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <attribute name=”webrootdir” value=”<prjroot>” />

    #226678 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    When you create the project, do you end up with the Web 2.3 DTD web.xml file for the Web 2.4 Schema web.xml file in your WEB-INF directory?

    Also, please check your <workspace dir>\.metadata\.log file for exceptions related to the project creation, I wonder if something is happening that is causing it to use the default for some reason?

    #226694 Reply


    I have the 2.4 schema in the web.xml. This only happens if I add web capablities to an exsting project. It works fine when I create a new web project.

    I do have some errors in the log but I don’t think they are related but just in case:

    !ENTRY com.ibm.etools.validation 4 0 Mar 14, 2005 15:49:14.356
    *** ERROR ***: Mon Mar 14 15:49:14 EST 2005 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

    !ENTRY com.ibm.etools.validation 4 0 Mar 14, 2005 15:49:51.580
    *** ERROR ***: Mon Mar 14 15:49:51 EST 2005 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    #226697 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This only happens if I add web capablities to an exsting project.

    You mean adding web caps to a 1.4 J2EE project downgrades it to a 1.3 J2EE project?

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