
Add Android Billing Key Issue

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  • #354031 Reply


    I am reading on how to to add android billing code for in-app purchase, all I got is that I need to run this command line: cordova plugin add cc.fovea.cordova.purchase –variable BILLING_KEY=”MIIB…AQAB”

    If I am adding in-app purchase plugin from MyEclipse, how can I make it work? Do I need to add the key manually in some configuration file? I am running into errors related to license key when running app in Android.

    #354036 Reply



    Can you please clarify if you are working with MyEclipse 2015 CI 10 or updated to MyEclipse 2015 CI 12 ?

    Once you add the in-app purchase plugin (cc.fovea.cordova.purchase), you should manually add the key to the configuration file. To add the plugin, right click on the project > PhoneGap > Add Plugin. Use the Find box to search for the required plugin.

    Once the plugin is installed, edit the file <projectname>/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/plugin.xml and find the section that says <string name=”billing_key_param”> and add your Licence Key instead of the variable $BILLING_KEY.

    If you are still seeing issues , then please also edit the billing_key_param.xml located at <projectname>/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase plugin/src/android and add the license key. Ex :

    <string name=”billing_key_param”>MIIB…AQAB</string>

    If the above steps didn’t work, then please let us know what exact error you are seeing. If possible please also share a screenshot of the error to help us get a visual. Also let us know what steps you followed to add the in-app purchase plugin,the modifications you made to the project to support the plugin along with the PhoneGap version details.

    Let us know how it works for you.

    #354043 Reply



    The version of MyEclipse is Version: 2015 CI 12
    Build id: 13.0.0-20150323

    Thanks for your prompt reply. However, after I tried your method, I still received the same error and my error is shown below.

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: com.smartmobilesoftware.util.Base64DecoderException: Bad Base64 input character at 0: 36(decimal)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.Security.generatePublicKey(Security.java:70)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.Security.verifyPurchase(Security.java:47)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.IabHelper.queryPurchases(IabHelper.java:864)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.IabHelper.queryInventory(IabHelper.java:562)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.IabHelper.queryInventory(IabHelper.java:540)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.IabHelper$2.run(IabHelper.java:635)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
    Caused by: com.smartmobilesoftware.util.Base64DecoderException: Bad Base64 input character at 0: 36(decimal)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.Base64.decode(Base64.java:518)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.Base64.decode(Base64.java:446)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.Base64.decode(Base64.java:392)
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.Security.generatePublicKey(Security.java:60)
    … 6 more

    Based on the google search, I found the similar issue reported by others on this link https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase/issues/103

    You can see the error by going to play store and downloading LWOD

    Here is what is in my billing_key_param.xml file.
    <?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’utf-8′?>
    <string name=”billing_key_param”>MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9wg…4v1/QIDAQAB</string>

    Here is my config.xml. Please help!

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <!– config.xml reference: https://build.phonegap.com/docs/config-xml –>
    <widget xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets&#8221;
    xmlns:gap=”http://phonegap.com/ns/1.0&#8243; version=”1.1.9″ id=”lwod.id”


    Lose Weight Or Donate: Diet for your Favorite Food Bank

    <author href=”http://loseweightordonate.org&#8221;
    email=”[email protected]”>
    Austin Ma

    <content src=”index.html” />

    If you do not want any permissions to be added to your app, add the
    following tag to your config.xml; you will still have the INTERNET
    permission on your app, which PhoneGap requires.
    <preference name=”permissions” value=”none” />

    <!– Customize your app and platform with the preference element. –>
    <preference name=”phonegap-version” value=”3.7.0″ />
    <!– all: current version of PhoneGap –>
    <preference name=”orientation” value=”default” />
    <!– all: default means both landscape and portrait are enabled –>
    <preference name=”target-device” value=”handset” />
    <!– all: possible values handset, tablet, or universal –>
    <preference name=”fullscreen” value=”false” />
    <!– all: hides the status bar at the top of the screen –>
    <preference name=”webviewbounce” value=”true” />
    <!– ios: control whether the screen ‘bounces’ when scrolled beyond the top –>
    <preference name=”prerendered-icon” value=”true” />
    <!– ios: if icon is prerendered, iOS will not apply it’s gloss to the app’s icon on the user’s home screen –>
    <preference name=”stay-in-webview” value=”false” />
    <!– ios: external links should open in the default browser, ‘true’ would use the webview the app lives in –>
    <preference name=”ios-statusbarstyle” value=”black-opaque” />
    <!– ios: black-translucent will appear black because the PhoneGap webview doesn’t go beneath the status bar –>
    <preference name=”detect-data-types” value=”false” />
    <!– ios: controls whether data types (such as phone no. and dates) are automatically turned into links by the system –>
    <preference name=”exit-on-suspend” value=”false” />
    <!– ios: if set to true, app will terminate when home button is pressed –>
    <preference name=”show-splash-screen-spinner” value=”true” />
    <!– ios: if set to false, the spinner won’t appear on the splash screen during app loading –>
    <preference name=”auto-hide-splash-screen” value=”true” />
    <!– ios: if set to false, the splash screen must be hidden using a JavaScript API –>
    <preference name=”android-minSdkVersion” value=”4″ />
    <!– android: MIN SDK version supported on the target device. MAX version is blank by default. –>
    <preference name=”android-installLocation” value=”auto” />
    <!– android: app install location. ‘auto’ will choose. ‘internalOnly’ is device memory. ‘preferExternal’ is SDCard. –>

    Define access to external domains.

    <access /> – a blank access tag denies access to all external resources.
    <access origin=”*” /> – a wildcard access tag allows access to all external resource.

    Otherwise, you can specify specific domains:
    <access origin=”*” />

    <access origin=”*.google.com” />
    <access origin=”*.googleapis.com” />

    <access origin=”http://phonegap.com&#8221; /> – allow any secure requests to http://phonegap.com/
    <access origin=”http://phonegap.com&#8221; subdomains=”true” /> – same as above, but including subdomains, such as http://build.phonegap.com/
    <access origin=”http://phonegap.com&#8221; browserOnly=”true” /> – only allows http://phonegap.com to be opened by the child browser.

    <!– enable PhoneGap Build to create a remotely debuggable app –>
    <!– remove the following segment for production ver of app –>
    <gap:config-file parent=”/manifest” platform=”android”
    <application android:debuggable=”false” />

    <!– Plugins –>
    <gap:plugin name=”Example” />
    A list of available plugins are available at https://build.phonegap.com/docs/plugins

    <gap:plugin name=”org.apache.cordova.camera” version=”0.3.3″
    <gap:plugin name=”org.apache.cordova.geolocation” version=”0.3.10″
    <gap:config-file platform=”ios”
    parent=”NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription” mode=”merge”>
    <string>Allow GPS</string>
    <gap:plugin name=”org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser” version=”0.5.3″

    <preference name=”deployment-target” value=”6.0″ />
    <gap:plugin name=”cc.fovea.cordova.purchase” version=”3.10.1″
    <icon gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”ldpi”
    src=”res/icon/android/logo-36-36.png” />
    <icon gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”mdpi”
    src=”res/icon/android/logo-48-48.png” />
    <icon gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”hdpi”
    src=”res/icon/android/logo-72-72.png” />
    <icon gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”xhdpi”
    src=”res/icon/android/logo-96-96.png” />
    <icon gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”xxhdpi”
    src=”res/icon/android/logo-144-144.png” />
    <icon gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”xxxhdpi”
    src=”res/icon/android/logo-192-192.png” />
    <icon src=”www/res/icon/android/logo-96-96.png” />
    <gap:platform name=”android” />
    <gap:splash gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”port-ldpi”
    src=”res/screen/android/screen-ldpi-portrait.png” />
    <gap:splash gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”port-mdpi”
    src=”res/screen/android/screen-mdpi-portrait.png” />
    <gap:splash gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”port-hdpi”
    src=”res/screen/android/screen-hdpi-portrait.png” />
    <gap:splash gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”port-xhdpi”
    src=”res/screen/android/screen-xhdpi-portrait.png” />
    <gap:splash gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”land-ldpi”
    src=”res/screen/android/screen-ldpi-landscape.png” />
    <gap:splash gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”land-mdpi”
    src=”res/screen/android/screen-mdpi-landscape.png” />
    <gap:splash gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”land-hdpi”
    src=”res/screen/android/screen-hdpi-landscape.png” />
    <gap:splash gap:platform=”android” gap:qualifier=”land-xhdpi”
    src=”res/screen/android/screen-xhdpi-landscape.png” />
    <gap:config-file platform=”android” parent=”/manifest” mode=”add”
    <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET”></uses-permission>
    <uses-permission android:name=”com.android.vending.BILLING” />

    #354052 Reply



    Sorry that you are still seeing issues.

    Thank you for pointing to the link : https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase/issues/103 .Couple of users could get it working as per their comments on the link. Did you try their suggestions ?

    While we investigate the issue at our end, please check if any of the suggestions work at your end.

    Let us know how it works for you.

    #354055 Reply


    Yes, I tried the approach mentioned in thread 103 too but still not working.


    #354057 Reply


    I have an idea here, you must have one simple sample code which can demo the in-app purchase from Android with MyEclipse, Can you give me the demo code please? I will try to see if it works or not for me.

    Thanks much!

    #354061 Reply



    I am afraid we do not have any sample code to demo the in-app purchase. This is a development related query and I was just trying to provide some assistance. I suggest you check on development forums related to PhoneGap for better support from the developer community.

    Let us know if you have any questions.

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