
[Activation] Activating Your Installation

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    MyEclipse Product Activation

    Although this FAQ is still accurate for most currently utilized releases, please see the article in the learning center for up to date information on activation.

    Product activation is required to continue using MyEclipse after an initial period.
    There are a few possible states, before activation:

    1. The user has just installed MyEclipse for the first time. In this case, no subscription information has yet been entered. The user can run the program for up to 30 days before they have to enter and activate a subscription.
    2. After a subscription ID and subscription key have been entered. Usually, this would be followed by activation, though that isn’t necessary or may not be possible, if there is no Internet connection available at that time. In this case, the user has 5 days to activate the subscription.
    3. The user’s subscription has expired. In this case, the user must obtain a new subscription key and enter it into MyEclipse before activating the subscription and continuing to use the workbench.

    Activation is performed via the Product Activation Wizard, which can be entered through various routes:

    1. If the user has entered a subscription code but not activated the product, a prompt will be displayed shortly after starting up the workbench. Two buttons are offered:
      • “Update License”, leads to the Update Subscription screen (see below)
      • “Activate”, leads to the Product Activation Wizard
    2. From the menu: MyEclipse->Subscription Information…, which displays the Update Subscription screen, on which the subscription ID and key can be entered and
      on which a button is available (either “Save & Activate” or “Activate Now”) which will take the user to the Product Activation Wizard.
    3. From the menu: MyEclipse->MyEclipse Configuration Center. In the center, click on the Subscription tab, which gives essentially the same information as with
      the previous route, arranged differently.
    4. The Configuration Center is also reachable via the help menu, Help->MyEclipse Configuration Center.

    Whichever route is taken, eventually, the Product Activation Wizard is displayed:

    This wizard offers three ways of activating the product:

    1. The easiest method is automated activation and is the recommended method, if the machine running the workbench has an Internet connection (this method cannot be used without an Internet connection on the same machine).
      Select the Automatic activation radio button and click Next. This will display a progress dialog:

      Eventually, the activation completes and a success screen is shown:

      Click the Finish button to go back to the screen that initiated the Product Activation Wizard.

      If there is an error whilst trying to activate the product, an error screen is displayed:

      In this case, click the Back button to try again or use another method of activation. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to try product activation at another time.

    2. An alternative to automated activation is to perform the same steps manually. In this case, select the Web activation radio button, on the first screen of the wizard, and click Next. This will display a screen which assists in connecting to the activation site via a Web browser:

      If the machine running the workbench has an Internet connection, click the Start button to start the default Web browser on the first page of the activation site. Alternatively, copy and paste the activation URL to a Web browser to navigate to the page manually. If the Internet connection is on another machine, the URL will have to be transferred to that machine somehow and pasted into a Web browser there. At the given URL, the following page will be displayed:

      Note that the License Code and System ID Code fields should be filled in. If not, add those values from the URL you were given in the last step (license code is the subcode paramete and the system id code is the systemId parameter in the URL). Click the Activate button and an activation code will be generated and displayed on the next page:

      Click the Copy to Clipboard button (or copy the contents of the text box, manually).
      If the browser is on a different machine to the machine on which the Product Activation Wizard is running, the code will have to be pasted into a document and transferred to that machine. Once the code is available in the clipboard on the same machine as the Product Activation Wizard, switch to the wizard and click the Next button, then paste the activation code into the provided text box:

      Click the Next button, which will cause the product to be activated and a success screen displayed:

      Click Finish to return to the screen which initiated the Product Activation Wizard.

    3. If the Web activation process occurs on another machine, as described in step 2, above, it may not be possible to perform the whole of the Web activation process in one session. In this case, ensure that the activation code displayed on the Web page is saved for later use. In a later workbench session, the Product Activation Wizard may be started again by any of the methods mentioned at the start of this document. On the first screen of the wizard, select the “I already have an activation code” radio button and click Next. This will display the Activation Code Entry screen, as shown in the Web activation method, above. At this point, the remaining steps are the same as for the Web activation method.

    Note for 64-bit Mac OS X 1.5 Users

    We have seen a number of problems with activation on the OS X 1.5 release due to an issue with the way it handles 64-bit applications. If you have this release and have installed the 64-bit version of MyEclipse, you may find that the activation doesn’t stick and you have to activate every time MyEclipse is started. This issue can be resolved by either upgrading to a later release of OS X or installing the 32 bit version of MyEclipse (this is an option during install).

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by support-tony.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by support-tony. Reason: Added info about filling in fields on the web activation form
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