
a project group

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  • #220275 Reply


    Could someone please point me in a right direction. What I’m looking for is an equivalent of what in JBuilder is called a project group.
    I have an enterprise application consisting of multiple Java, EJB, and Web modules. I want to be able to control all of this modules from one place and therefore need to put them all under the umbrella of a project group. What are the steps to create such a group in MyEclipse? How does one migrate existing projects to be part of a project group.
    Thanks in advance.

    #220295 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What you are looking for is our “Enterprise Application Project”, this is an umbrella project that currently pulls EJBs and Web Projects under it as modules, we will be adding support for Java Project modules in 3.8.3 (due out in 2 weeks). Please check out our docs for more info: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html

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