
A Hybrid Project

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  • #291666 Reply


    I’ve put together a hybrid project from the following two tutorials, Java EE 5 MyBlog Application Demo and Java Persistence (Hibernate) and MyEclipse Spring Tools Tutorial.

    I noticed that there’s not a single project in there that is a Web project and also uses JSF, Hibernate, Spring Framework and connects to a MySql database. I think this is a pretty popular combination.

    WebChassis20.zip is the attached project file. It may be worth making into an example on demand (with animation) if you have the time. If not, I’d be happy to cut and paste the text from the other two tutorials into something.

    #291674 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You can upload the project for us. I’ll ask the dev team to review your request.


    #291678 Reply


    @support-nipun wrote:

    You can upload the project for us. I’ll ask the dev team to review your request.


    I was sure I did. Here it is again. It’s about 4MB is that too big to attach? I’m getting this error

    Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ././modules/PNphpBB2/files/webchassis20.zip.

    #291690 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You mail the project to [email protected] Attn: Nipun with a link to this thread.

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