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VS Code smarts in the Eclipse IDE you love!
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CodeMix brings it all to the party!
As an Eclipse developer, you no longer have to feel like you’ve been excluded from all the fun your friends are having with Visual Studio Code. CodeMix is an Eclipse plugin that gives you access to a wide array of technologies from VS Code itself and add-on extensions built for Code OSS, directly from Eclipse. You’ll enjoy all the enterprise tooling you depend on, like Java and Spring, plus access to all those cool web languages and exciting new technologies you’ve been wanting to try.
It’s the best of both worlds! Coding without limits. Keep coding those awesome enterprise apps, and throw in impressive new stuff—with amazing extensions for languages like Python, PHP, and TypeScript, as well as frameworks like Vue, React and Angular. Or, why not dockerize your app? The possibilities are endless!
CodeMix is compatible with Eclipse-based IDEs and tools—like MyEclipse, Spring Tools Suite and JBoss Tools—so you can continue working in the environment you are accustomed to.

Intelligent Code Completion and More
CodeMix includes IntelliSense for a number of languages such as PHP, TypeScript, and JavaScript; as well as markup like HTML and CSS. Suggestions are displayed as you type, based on language semantics and an analysis of your code. In addition to code completion, IntelliSense will also display the method signature, parameter info, and documentation when available.
You can experience this same first-class level of IntelliSense for a variety of other languages—like Python, Go, or even Rust—by installing the corresponding language extension.
IntelliSense is just one way CodeMix helps to greatly reduce the time you spend typing. You’ll also gain productivity with snippets, and Emmet for advanced code expansion.
Keyboard Power with Commands
Use commands to do just about everything, from opening files to running builds.
Commands are great for navigation between files, when you’re opening a new file by name or locating a class in your workspace. You can also use them to jump to different sections of code within the file you’re editing. They also make performing advanced edits on your current code easier, whether you’re removing unused imports or refactoring code. Finally, use commands to run scripts, builds, or even initiate debugging sessions.
Not having to reach for your mouse as often will give you a huge productivity boost. After using commands, you’ll wonder how you ever worked without them!

Powerful Debugging
As an Eclipse user, you’ve come to expect a powerful debugger. With CodeMix, you get the same robust debugging experience for a plethora of languages and frameworks, many of which Eclipse does not support.
Simply install the corresponding debugging extension and you’re ready to add breakpoints and locate errors in your code.
Extensions add a whole range of functionality to your CodeMix installation—support for new languages and frameworks, productivity enhancements when coding, advanced validation, quick fixes, and even the ability to debug all sorts of applications. This is just a small subset of what extensions can do, and there are thousands of them on GitHub.
With CodeMix, extensions can be activated without restarting your IDE—giving you immediate access to new capabilities, without breaking you out of your coding flow.
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Code navigation capabilities help you get around your code and workspace efficiently.
Commands will help you jump to other classes, or to symbols within the same file. Press Ctrl/Cmd when hovering over symbols to see their declarations inline—you can then click to quickly jump to that location.