This MyEclipse 2019.12.5 release takes us into the end of this year with support for new connectors, and upgrades across our integrated tooling. 2019.12.5 is built on Eclipse’s 2019-09 release, and includes a number of core fixes and enhancements – read on for the details.
No More CI or Stable
You may have noticed that this release is neither labeled CI nor Stable. For several years now, our CI releases have been put through the same QA processes that were normally reserved for our Stable stream, along with a less frequent release schedule. We realize that the “CI” nomenclature can lead to a different interpretation of the quality and stability of the release, so we’ve decided to stop using it. MyEclipse CI, is now just, MyEclipse, and you can treat it in the same way as you would any stable release of our product.
We now support WildFly 17 & 18.

Note: If you hadn’t specified a custom JDK / JRE for a connector, with this update it will automatically switch to running with Java 13. If your server fails to start because it is incompatible with Java 13, please specify a different JRE / JDK in the server configuration page. The server UI will also warn you of known Java-version incompatibilities when you’re configuring a new connector.
EJB Deploy
If you’re using EJB 2.0 and the EJB Deploy capability, there were some bugs that prevented it from working unless you started MyEclipse with Java 8. This will now work out of the box with Java 13, and you no longer need to change the JVM.
WAS 9.0.5
While earlier versions of WebSphere 9 would work, WebSphere 9.0.5 could not be started from within MyEclipse due to SSL bugs. These have now been resolved and you can now use the latest version of WebSphere with this release.
Java Enhancements
There are a host of Java enhancements that we think you will benefit from in this release of MyEclipse.