- This topic has 24 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by
reachmuzamilshaikhMemberI have sent through mail, Please check.
I have tracked the issue. We had to create a different strategy for packaging utility projects for most of the RAD imported projects. In case of your projects configuration it is, however, a wrong strategy.
Please open .mymetadata file of the problematic web project and remove following line:
you may remove that line from other projects as well, though I would suggest to remove it only if the project is not packaged correctly. After removing that line and saving changes please restart the workspace. This should fix the issue. Let us know if it worked for you!
I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused. I hope you won’t have any more troubles with projects configuration!
Good news are, that we are going to release ME11 in month from now and it will use natively Deployment Assembly for packaging projects, so such issues will not be present any more.
reachmuzamilshaikhMemberThanks for the quick help, I actually compared my sample project files and removed the same line but did not re start the IDE.
Now this issue is solved, i am able to get the dependent jars inside the war.
Thanks a lot for the support in time and Appreciate it.My setup is still not complete as It is throwing an exception when i start the server :
E com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebApp commonInitializationFinally SRVE0266E: Error occured while initializing servlets: {0}
javax.servlet.UnavailableException: SRVE0203E: Servlet [action]: com……..eActionServlet was found, but is missing another required class.
SRVE0206E: This error typically implies that the servlet was originally compiled with classes which cannot be located by the server.I faced the same thing with eclipse indigo and it disappeared when i changed the class loader policy to parent last in WAS. This solution some how did not work in Myeclipse.
I think it is because we are using our own struts jar and WAS also has a built-on struts jar.
We did not have this issue in RAD. I am looking for a solution, if you can advise something on this, it would be great.
I am trying form my end and Once again thanks for the support.
I am happy to hear that you were able to solve the issue! If you are using MyEclipse application.xml editor, you might find that one policy option is missing. Unfortunately support for classloading policies is not complete and we have scheduled to improve it for ME11.1. Please edit the ibmconfig files manually, best to compare them with their RAD equivalents.
reachmuzamilshaikhMemberI mean to say that i changed the class loading policy in the admin console of websphere 8, not in the IDE.
I also compared the ibm…xmi and other files starting with ibm….properties but there is no difference.
i have sent you a mail with the logs of eclipse indigo and myeclipse, when the server starts, Please check if this give you some clue as things work fine in eclipse indigo.
There are a lot of errors similar to that one:
The javax.ws.rs.PathParam annotation class will not be recognized because it was loaded from the file:/C:/NewIBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/CRTIB0LB2246TZZNode03Cell/EngPEar.ear/EngPUmWeb.war/WEB-INF/lib/com.ibm.jaxws.thinclient_8.0.0.jar location rather than from a product class loader.
It means that your deployment contains some WAS jars. I’ve checked on of your web project’s classpath and there is an entry “WAS_V8JAXWS_WEBSERVICES_THINCLIENT”, which provides com.ibm.jaxws.thinclient_8.0.0.jar on your classpath.
You need to go to project properties, navigate to MyEclipse -> Web -> Deployment. In Library Deployment Policies uncheck “Use default workbench settings” and uncheck either “JARs from the build path” (means single jars) or “JARs from User Libraries” (User Libraries means all project containers). Any change here, unfortunately, affects all JARs on the particular project build path. I hope you do not require any JARs to be packed into those WARs automatically.
I am really sorry that you are seeing all those packaging issues! We have already improved all those things for ME11 and they work at least as good as in RAD. I hope that this is really the last issue you have 🙂 Let me know if you were able to launch the application!
reachmuzamilshaikhMemberUnfortunately, i need the dependent jars to be packed inside the wars, this was the initial issue for which i posted. 🙂 . I think it is not possible for us to migrate to MyEclipse+jrebel in this quarter, as the development activities are about to start. We will try the setup with ME11 once it is out and will migrate to it in the next quarter. We are happy with the support, Thanks a lot.
The dependant Java Project will be packed. This issue regards JARs from the build path. I am sorry to hear that you’ll not be able to use ME10.7, but I am sure that ME11 will satisfy your needs! We are going to release it in the mid February, however you can try it even now, with milestone version. If you wish, I can send you a link to download page.
reachmuzamilshaikhMemberFirst i will try by uncheck “Use default workbench settings” and uncheck either “JARs from the build path” (means single jars) or “JARs from User Libraries” (User Libraries means all project containers).
I think i cannot uncheck JARs from the build path as this is generating jars inside war. Let me try.
Also please provide me the link, if i get time i would like to try it. But we have planned for migrating to ME some time in Jun after our release. I think i just have to un install current version, install new version and just point to the same work space.
reachmuzamilshaikhMemberResponded through mail, please check.