- This topic has 26 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 3 months ago by
Brandon Batie.
Brandon BatieMemberIt is for the mobione to MyEclipse migration, but not web apps, this is for building native apps for iOS and Android. While we expect it may work on web apps we are not 100 percent sure.
SonamGyatoMemberI’m happy with mobione and would prefer not to migrate to my-eclipse.
webapps (not native) is very important to me.
Can a solution be found for mobione to display properly on 6 and 6+.
As I wrote before – if the source code is given out – I’d be happy to make
the necessary changes and then return it for distribution to everyone else.Thanks.
Brandon BatieMemberWe have released the Mobione to MyEclipse information, as I understand as you only do web apps the build service is not an issue for you. However the resources include an updated phone ui javascript file that may help, we haven’t actually tested it yet, but believe it will fix the issue. You can go here:
https://www.genuitec.com/products/myeclipse/learning-center/mobile/mobione-apps-myeclipse/Download the resource pack and unzip and copy the phone ui js file in the myeclipseUserTemplate folder (under project/www/res ) and replace the one in your generated www resource directory.
Hopefully this is solve the issue.
SonamGyatoMemberI downloaded the file.
Unfortunately cannot figure out how to generate the phoneui.js file.
can you tell me how to do it – or find it.
Brandon BatieMemberHi,
You don’t need to generate the file. It is located in the folder: MyEclipse-BuildM1ProjectTutorialPack/date-time/www/date-time/res/
replace the one in your projects res folder with that one.
SonamGyatoMemberCouldn’t find that folder.
I found the install folder
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\MyEclipse 2015 CI
Brandon BatieMemberHi,
The folder is located in the place you unzipped the resource pack from tutorial page.
SonamGyatoMemberI’m sorry – but can’t find it.
I installed the 32-bit version of myeclipse-2015-2014-11-11-offline-installer-windows
There was no option to install tutorials.
Do I have to do something to create a tutorial first maybe?
I looked in
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\MyEclipse 2015 CI
and also
Brandon BatieMemberOh, I think you are misunderstanding me on this. On the tutorial page there is a resource pack you can download, here is direct link:
If you unzip that to your computer you will see two folders a date-time folder and the MyEclipse-BuildM1ProjectTemplate folder.
Inside the MyEclipse one you will see a Project folder.
Inside the project folder is a www folder
Inside that is a res folder that holds the phoneui.js file you want to copy and replace the one in your project.Remember, this needs to be the very last step you do. If you regenerate from MobiOne this file will be over written and you will need to recopy it.
Hopefully this clears up the confusion.
SonamGyatoMemberLooked at the phoneui.js file and it’s exactly the same as mobione 2.6
The version at the top of the file is
MobiOne PhoneUI Framework
* version I found a new phoneui.js file in
I’ll try that and let you know.
SonamGyatoMemberWorks like a charm!
Brandon BatieMembereverest
Great to hear!