- This topic has 55 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by
latika malhotra.
nivarMemberIs there any update to this post. It has been quite helpful thus far. A few Questions
1) Is there a way to have the full article showing on the article page and / or how to get the full article link to work?
2) How can I make the main page the second page of an app. I tried but when I do it just turn up seeing the title1 / title2 / and pubdate and the articles dont load.
As another poster mentioned is there a way to see pictures in the article list then in each individual article page.
Wayne I know you are a very busy person and I do appreciate the time you take to ensure that mobione has a great reputation.
Thank you for all your hard work and effort.
nivarMemberIs there any update to this post. It has been quite helpful thus far. A few Questions
1) Is there a way to have the full article showing on the article page and / or how to get the full article link to work?
2) How can I make the main page the second page of an app. I tried but when I do it just turn up seeing the title1 / title2 / and pubdate and the articles dont load.
As another poster mentioned is there a way to see pictures in the article list then in each individual article page.
Wayne I know you are a very busy person and I do appreciate the time you take to ensure that mobione has a great reputation.
Thank you for all your hard work and effort.
support-michaelKeymasterApologies as our daily activity level pulls us 1000 directions simultaneously. I developed mobibike RSS to provide a template and guide for others that need a similar level of service integration and data display
>1) Is there a way to have the full article showing on the article page and / or how to get the full article link to work?
The RSS feed typically includes an abbreviated version of the artcile. Some articles will include a rich text version with an optional image. This info can be provided on a quick view screen with link to the full article. From loading the full article in a webapp would best be done by opening it in a separate browser. From a native app a child browser could be presented that when closed returns control to the article list screen. The mobione GotoURL action will soon support an option for opening a separate window, a child browser (native only) or in-place (as now).2) How can I make the main page the second page of an app. I tried but when I do it just turn up seeing the title1 / title2 / and pubdate and the articles dont load.
> I suspect this is a result of the code-generator mangling html element ids in order to ensure their uniqueness (a requirement otherwise UI can act goofy). I’m discussing this with the dev team to see what issues may be impacting your integration effort.
wilsoncortezMemberVery nice little app! 🙂
However i need a little more to get it working at my side 🙁
Following the tut I´ve found the “mobibike-news_custom.js” file where i presume I must alenter ith my on yql , right?
If so, around line 51 i have:
//usacycling headlines var url = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20channel.title%2Cchannel.link%2Cchannel.item.title%2Cchannel.item.link%2C%20channel.item.pubDate%2C%20channel.item.description%20from%20xml%20where%20url%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usacycling.org%2Frss%2Fheadlines.rss%22&format=json&callback=?";
To fit my rss url I´ve changed it to:
var url = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20channel.title%2Cchannel.link%2Cchannel.item.title%2Cchannel.item.link%2C%20channel.item.pubDate%20from%20xml%20where%20url%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fjuridicorideel.com.br%2Ffeed%2F%22&format=json&callback=cbfunc";
but the spinning “loading articles” spins forever and nothing get parsed
Any help will be greatly appreciated 🙂
Ps.: wondering how difficult would be to create a widget with this function….just wondering lol
support-michaelKeymasterDid you test your query in YQL console and confirm it is correct?
see http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/
Any further tip?
Thank you
wilsoncortezMemberWell, finally i got it \o/
I don´t know why when i try the yql console there was a “?” missing in the very end of the query compared to the Wayne´s one.
My end was
So i´ve changed it by hand to:
and know i have the feed parsed
Wayne, the “?” mark is supposed to entered by hand or i´m still missing something?
Still wondering how to link the titles on the “View article” screen to the website…. and how to get some images attache to every feed.
fbod383MemberOk so I got this to work with twitter, but so far only one twitter feed. Any idea how to add multiple on the same page? Like can I add multiple lines? I tried a few variances but they didnt work
wilsoncortezMemberHi fbod383
Do you mind on sharing your code with us?
I´ve read somw twitter examples but never tried.Thanks
BTW. did you use the YQL?
fbod383MemberI did use the YQL, just replaced the biking website code
Download the .zip file in the first post, run it in test center, then go to the mobibike-news_custom.js under the tools>source files
fbod383Membergenerate the twitter url here http://www.twittertorss.com/ when you enter the twitter name it will send you to a new screen, copy that address, and place it in your YQL statement, code is generated at the bottom of the page “The rest query”
fbod383MemberI’ve noticed I randomly get a TypeError: Result of expression ‘data.query.results’ [null] is not an object. mobibike-news_custom.js:58
This is absolutely infuriating. there is no rhyme or reason to this. Works fine, shut it down, re-open. no longer works. And no support makes things even better
philvosParticipantAnyone can make “Full article” link to work.
How to change
function showFullArticle() {
var url = articles[curArticleIdx].channel.item.link;
window.open(url,”Popup Window”);
to open url popup windown(native only)
support-octavioMemberPlease try this snippet in your native app to open site in a popup window:
function showFullArticle() { var url = articles[curArticleIdx].channel.item.link; window.open(url,"popup"); }
nivarMemberI have tried this code
function showFullArticle() {
var url = articles[curArticleIdx].channel.item.link;
}editing around line 113 in the mobibike-news_custom.js and changed
window.open(url, “_blank”);
window.open(url, “popup”);
and the full article still doesnt open.
Please advise.
Thank you