- This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 7 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
ntkachMemberI’ve been having some very strange behavior with 3.8b2. For some reason if I do a clean install of Eclipse + ME (regardless of what 3.x version of Eclipse), I usually wind up seeing the settings (window->preferences->MyEclipse->J2EE->JSTL) showing up as blank(the fields are all blank and the boxes are unchecked). I see similar problems in the J2EE section and the Project Templates section. Is this familiar to anyone? I have managed to repair it a couple of times by messing around long enough (read deleteing/reinstalling workspace, eclipse, MyEclipse) but not gotten a consistent result. If I install the older 3.8b1 though it all seems to work okay (at least the functionality that was present only in the old one!;)
ntkachMemberSorry, I should mention I’m on Linux using the GTK2 version of Eclipse3.x.
ntkachMemberWhile we’re at it (don’t know if you want this to be a new case), is there some way to turn off the behavior where plugins installed after you install ME wind up going into the MyEclipse directory rather than the Eclipse home directory? It may have something to do with the links directory, but I’m not sure yet.
Riyad KallaMemberI usually wind up seeing the settings (window->preferences->MyEclipse->J2EE->JSTL) showing up as blank(the fields are all blank and the boxes are unchecked).
Eclipse 3 seems to be flaky with remembering preferences… I loose certain preference settings quite often actually and it was even worse during the M-builds. Hopefully they will stabalize by 3.1. To work around this just hit the “Restore Defaults” button.
While we’re at it (don’t know if you want this to be a new case), is there some way to turn off the behavior where plugins installed after you install ME wind up going into the MyEclipse directory rather than the Eclipse home directory?
I wasn’t aware of this behavior. What were you installing when this happened and how did you install it?
ntkachMemberI tried that (the clicking on restore defaults) and it doesn’t seem to do anything at all. It’s acting as though (even if I wipe out all of the “preferences” I know of) that it’s somehow missing a resource bundle or something. Sometimes the “J2EE 1.3” list of libraries will be filled in correctly, but if I click on “restore defaults” there it wipes out all of the libraries and resets the fields.
I don’t know if it matters (I’ve seen it a couple of times) but I believe one of them was the “archived site” version of the pmd plugin pmd-eclipse3-site-2.0.5.zip
I downloaded it from their site, followed the usual instructions to install it via the update manager, it installs fine, but all of its files go into the MyEclipse/eclipse directory rather than the main eclipse directory (they wind up in /home/ntkach/MyEclipse/eclipse/plugins, /home/ntkach/MyEclipse/eclipse/features rather than /usr/local/eclipse/plugins and /usr/local/eclipse/features). I got the same thing when I installed the latest archived version of the veloEdit plugin and the springide plugin.
Riyad KallaMemberVery strange… doe differnet users own the /MyEclipse dir and /eclipse dir? Does that user have write perms to the /eclipse dir?
ntkachMemberNo, my one user (non-root) owns both directories fully and has write on all of it.
Riyad KallaMemberI checked with the team and it seems that some of them weren’t aware that Eclipse did this either. We suggest that you unzip the plugin to the location you wish to install it, and use the Help > Updates… > Manage Configuration mechanism to install new plugins.
ntkachMemberI wasn’t aware Eclipse could install from there 🙂 I’d just assumed that you used the other part of the update manager (search for new features/search for updates). As soon as I get the other issue with beta2 (hopefully full GA will come out and fix it soon? 😉 I’ll try installing some that way and let you know.
Riyad KallaMemberGreat, I hope it works.
ntkachMemberActually, I think I just found something that might be the cause. I noticed that if I have a project open which has been “marked” (I guess technically it’s that it has the web project nature set on it) that those settings DO “come back” okay. I guess it was that I didn’t have a web project selected that was causing the settings to appear as blank.
Riyad KallaMemberI’m not able to reproduce this behavior locally… you are still referring to the JSTL library settings in the Preferences dialog correct?
ntkachMemberYes, the jstl, the j2ee libraries, and the project template were all blank. To be honest, it’s entirely possible it’s just my machine. I tend to use development versions of the linux libraries fairly often and so I wouldn’t be surprised if that has something to do with it. I don’t think it’s a bug in MyEclipse. I think it’s just a strange configuration I got myself into. Mostly just wanted to post and see if anyone else had done the same and, in this case, I guess give the “fix” that worked for me. Thanks though, I learned something about the installation system for Eclipse at least. 🙂
Riyad KallaMemberHmm ok, thanks for following up, if you run into anything else strange feel free to post and we’ll see what we can do.