
ME 2015 Unable to create new Phonegap project

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  • #354249 Reply


    No the 3.5 failed from within ME, here is the error log entry for it:

    java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
    BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_US
    Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64

    Thu May 07 23:20:05 PDT 2015
    Failed while installing Phonegap Application.

    com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.common.cordova.CordovaException: Command execution failed with code 1
    Please check the error log for details
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.common.cordova.AbstractCordovaCLI$CLICommand.run(AbstractCordovaCLI.java:151)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.common.cordova.AbstractCordovaCLI.getVersion(AbstractCordovaCLI.java:114)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.common.patch.PatchManager.patchIfNeeded(PatchManager.java:54)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.common.cordova.AbstractCordovaCLI.patch(AbstractCordovaCLI.java:119)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.phonegap.core.runtime.internal.AbstractPhonegapRuntime.createCLI(AbstractPhonegapRuntime.java:213)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.phonegap.core.runtime.internal.AbstractPhonegapRuntime.getCLI(AbstractPhonegapRuntime.java:173)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.phonegap.core.runtime.internal.AbstractPhonegapRuntime.createProject(AbstractPhonegapRuntime.java:121)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.phonegap.core.internal.PhonegapMobileProject.createContents(PhonegapMobileProject.java:100)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.phonegap.core.facet.internal.PhonegapAppFacetInstallDelegate.createFolderStructure(PhonegapAppFacetInstallDelegate.java:102)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.mobile.phonegap.core.facet.internal.PhonegapAppFacetInstallDelegate.execute(PhonegapAppFacetInstallDelegate.java:75)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal.FacetedProject.callDelegate(FacetedProject.java:1477)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal.FacetedProject.modifyInternal(FacetedProject.java:441)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal.FacetedProject.mergeChangesInternal(FacetedProject.java:1181)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal.FacetedProject.access$2(FacetedProject.java:1117)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal.FacetedProject$5.run(FacetedProject.java:1099)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:2313)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal.FacetedProject.mergeChanges(FacetedProject.java:1109)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.internal.FacetedProjectWorkingCopy.commitChanges(FacetedProjectWorkingCopy.java:2022)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.ModifyFacetedProjectWizard.performFinish(ModifyFacetedProjectWizard.java:401)
    at org.eclipse.wst.web.ui.internal.wizards.NewProjectDataModelFacetWizard.performFinish(NewProjectDataModelFacetWizard.java:286)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.ModifyFacetedProjectWizard$3.run(ModifyFacetedProjectWizard.java:332)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:2313)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.ModifyFacetedProjectWizard$4.run(ModifyFacetedProjectWizard.java:346)
    at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:122)
    Caused by: org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1)
    at org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor.executeInternal(DefaultExecutor.java:377)
    at org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor.access$200(DefaultExecutor.java:46)
    at org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor$1.run(DefaultExecutor.java:188)
    Contains: Output log:

    Contains: Error log:
    The system cannot find the path specified.

    #354269 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    I’m at a bit of a loss. If the 3.5 PG creation worked from the command line, it should have worked from within MyEclipse.

    The only idea I have right now is you to install an external version of PhoneGap and point MyEclipse to that version, to see if it works.

    To install a specific version, go to an empty target folder and type

    F:\ME2015\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.embedded.nodejs_0.10.26.win32-x86_64-me20141201-1428\nodejs\npm install [email protected]

    Then go to Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Mobile Tools > PhoneGap Runtimes and click Add to add a new runtime. Select the node_modules/phonegap folder under the target location you created earlier to create a custom Runtime against this version. You can now use this runtime during project creation. Does this work?

    If this does not work, It might make sense to repeat the process with a more recent version of the CLI as well, like version 4.2 – you would need to run (in another directory to keep the versions separate)

    F:\ME2015\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.embedded.nodejs_0.10.26.win32-x86_64-me20141201-1428\nodejs\npm install [email protected]
    #362123 Reply


    Hey Brian,
    Something I wanted to mention, I have a second system that was setup to do a demo of our main app on and it has ME 10.7 and 2015 (installed for testing this problem only), SQL Server 2008 Dev Edition, node.js, and Ultra edit as the only dev related apps that have been installed and it also cannot generate Phonegap projects.

    I installed the same ME 2015 install on a bookkeeping system that has no development apps on it and it does generate the phonegap project. So may there be some sort of conflict between ME 10.7 and 2015 being installed on the same system or having a standalone install of node.js?

    On a side note, this new forum that was released today does not seem to have a way to find threads you are watching (the old one did.) How do I find threads I am waiting for answers on if I do not have an email from the past with a link on it?


    #362991 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    On a side note, this new forum that was released today does not seem to have a way to find threads you are watching (the old one did.) How do I find threads I am waiting for answers on if I do not have an email from the past with a link on it?

    You can click on “My Account” in the navigation bar at the top. Then on your account page click the “Forums” link. That should list all the threads you’ve got.

    #363024 Reply


    Thanks Scott, would not have guessed that was what that link does.

    #389812 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Sorry I missed your reply here earlier.

    Something I wanted to mention, I have a second system that was setup to do a demo of our main app on and it has ME 10.7 and 2015 (installed for testing this problem only), SQL Server 2008 Dev Edition, node.js, and Ultra edit as the only dev related apps that have been installed and it also cannot generate Phonegap projects.

    I’m quite sure 10.7 will not interfere, it provided none of this functionality and is self contained as well. The more likely culprit would be the global node.js installation that you have. Of course, we’ve tested (and develop) on systems which have a global Node installations, so typically, this is not a problem. Does this system also have the Bitnami Node installation you mentioned earlier?

    #389997 Reply


    Hey Brian,
    No it does not have Bitnami on the laptop, but it does have a regular node.js install, was testing a problem with getting node to work.

    It does have an install of Jetbrains WebStorm product (that was what I was testing the node for), Crystal Reports XI developer, TortoiseSVN, SSQL Server dev edition, Java SDK 7, Chrome, FileZilla, Cygwin, Tomcat7, and MS Office 2007.

    Just thought I would mention those apps in case any of those are in question.


    #483133 Reply


    i have the same problem …can you help me out ?

    #483209 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing issues with PhoneGap.

    Do you also have issues with creating a PhoneGap project? Do you see the same stacktrace when creating a PhoneGap project as reported above?

    Please share with us details about the problem you are seeing.

    Please share with us the MyEclipse Installation Details from menu MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details along with the .log file located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log for further investigation

    MyEclipse Support

    #483212 Reply


    I’ve mailed you the log file…
    Please help me to sort it out

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