- This topic has 183 replies, 92 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 8 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
David Orriss JrParticipantIf there’s a big outcry for Maven, above some other features, we’ll move that way. 🙂
Is that a big enough outcry? 😀
Riyad KallaMemberI talked with our product manager 2 weeks ago about his view on Maven and he really likes it, so it has the support from the company internally (technically) and our users want it, it’s just an issue now to find out when and how to best roll it out (do we integrate it into the projects? build process? all that jazz).
[email protected]MemberI would also like to see Maven integrated!
Srinivas, NJ
jimisolaMemberMyEclipse Team,
How do you plan on integrating Maven support into MyEclipse?
m2eclipse is a good start and perhaps you got use that as a starting point and return code (bug fixes, improvements etc) that project?
That would be open-source at its best.Regards,
Riyad KallaMemberJimisola,
I haven’t gotten an indepth commitment from our product manager yet on how he wants it done, but he’s the one that decides how everything gets done (pretty sharp guy) so I imagine it will be integrate at some level for starters, and in typical fashion flower from there as your requests refine what we do.When I get more details I’ll let you guys know.
Claus NielsenMember+1 for Maven!
frantumaMember+1 dev team
Ed rossMemberMaven has become a requirement for all of our projects. would love better integration. Would also like to see ME change the standard directory structures for projects to use the standards that maven have defined. Example, when the wizard is run, have the for a web, create the dir structure just like maven including options to create /src/test and the resources directories.
Riyad KallaMemberedross,
Part of the problem with doing more sweeping changes like this is backward compatability. That being said, we are still looking at leveraging it in some ways.
Pedro BarrosoMemberMe too, pleas emake a plugin available.
Pedro Barroso
Ed rossMemberMaven integration
1 – use standard maven directry structures in wizards
2 – pom editor & downloading of dependencies
3 – not lose myeclipse stuff when mvn eclipse:eclipse is run
4 – ability to import a maven project without doing mvn eclipse:eclipse
5 – run a specific part of the build cycle (test, compile, package)
6 – (wish list) ability to monitor dependencies and version numbers
7 – run mvn reports from inside eclise – then have eclipse view the items
8 – maven help (this is a biggie for new folks because maven docs are really bad)
9 – many of the features that the current maven plugin hasthx
John Thurston BoydMemberI concur wholeheartedly with the list of 9 points listed above.
As of now because of the lack of integration, we’ve had to minimize
our use of MyEclipse and focus on using WTP instead as with a slight
modification a developer can work and deploy for testing their project.Regards,
John Boyd
Ed rossMemberMaven integeration: (forgot this one)
10 – when deploying from myeclipse – don’t deploy (copy) the jars that are for the scope “provided”. Example – we have a few dependencies on jboss jars. When I do a maven deploy – all is well, When I deploy using my eclipse, I have to go to the deploy directory and delete the jboss jars that were copied over or I get classpath load problems. I need these jboss jars to resolve compilation, but they are supplied at runtime. (same is true with junit jar (which has the scope “test”, but that doesn’t cause the any real pain) -