
Mac OS X – Compiling JSP crashes JVM

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  • #215310 Reply



    I developed a certain application with the following configuration at home:

    MyEclipseIDE 3.8, Mac OS X 10.3.5, Java 1.4.2, Eclipse 3.0, AJDT 1.1.12

    Then, I transfered the app to my company (Linux). In the meantime, I upgraded to Java 1.4.2 Update 1.

    Two days ago, I wanted to do some developing on this project at home, but a JVM crash while compiling a certain JSP (always the same JSP) the JVM crashes with the following output:

    Host Name:      arenal.ruettimac.intern
    Date/Time:      2004-09-14 20:38:25 +0200
    OS Version:     10.3.5 (Build 7M34)
    Report Version: 2
    Command: java_swt
    Path:    /Applications/eclipse/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/java_swt
    Version: ??? (???)
    PID:     579
    Thread:  Unknown
    Link (dyld) error:
    dyld: /Applications/eclipse/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/java_swt  
    malformed library:  
    os/macosx/ppc/libcore_2_1_0b.jnilib (not a Mach-O library file, bad  
    filetype value)
    The following error report describes the Java stack information at the  
    The native stack information can be found in the crash log generated by  
    Unexpected Signal : Bus Error occurred at PC=0x94725828
    NOTE: We are unable to locate the function name symbol for the error
           just occurred. Please refer to release documentation for possible
           reason and solutions.

    What I have done so far:

      * Increase the heap to 128/512
      * Reinstalled eclipse and myeclipseide
      * Checked the native library
      arenal:~ cyrill$ file  
      os/macosx/ppc/libcore_2_1_0b.jnilib: Mach-O bundle ppc
      arenal:~ cyrill$

      * Removed the plugin org.eclipse.core.resources.macosx fragment from

    The Eclipse Engineer which gave me some advices to do the above tests mentioned, that a plugin might corrupt the JVM. The project which crashes Eclipse on MacOS X runs on Linux. No problems there.



    #215342 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I will check with our MacOS guy to see if he has any ideas.

    #215359 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Two days ago, I wanted to do some developing on this project at home, but a JVM crash while compiling a certain JSP (always the same JSP) the JVM crashes with the following output:

    Compiling it when? During validation while editing in the editor? While the application server compiles it in the deployed application?

    Could you try a clean, parallel installtion of only Eclipse 3.0 and MyEclipse without any other plugins, particularly AJDT? Since AJDT does some class rewriting, it could also be causing the problem in question. A clean installation without it will help isolate the issue.

    #215370 Reply


    Compiling means, choose Clean from the Project menu with the option of rebuilding the project. Ah, ok! The JSP is not compiled while building the project, just checked for the Syntax? Is this right?!

    I have disabled AJDT, so the AspectJ compiler will not interfere with the build process. But anyway, I have no Aspect which woves into JSP’s. The same issue, bum!

    I have clean installed everything without AJDT. The same 🙁



    #215377 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ah, ok! The JSP is not compiled while building the project, just checked for the Syntax? Is this right?!

    The syntax is checked by compiling the JSP page and reporting errors back from the JSP compiler.

    #215378 Reply


    I have sent a project to support@genuitec.com which will crash eclipse for sure! I have proven that for about 5 times.

    I the first iteration, I have added a single JSP. No problem so far. Then, I copied over all JSP’s from the project which caused me problems, and voila, eclipse crashes. Probably you can track down the problem, if it is the file layout or defining taglibs in web.xml and reference them in the JSP’s (That is my favourite).



    #215393 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you Cyrill, we will look into it ASAP.

    #215423 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    One more thing. Can you look at your Eclipse log file and let us know what that contains? It’s located at <workspace>/.metadata/.log. Since it’s a ‘dot file’, you’ll need to use the commandline to get to it as it won’t show in the default settings in the finder. I expect it contains several error messages that could help us diagnose the issue.

    I the first iteration, I have added a single JSP. No problem so far. Then, I copied over all JSP’s from the project which caused me problems, and voila, eclipse crashes.

    This could easily be an out of memory problem caused by a resource usage issue in 3.8.1 in the JSP compiler. The log should be able to show some OutOfMemory errors if this is the case. Another way to test this is to increase the memory given to Eclipse and see if the problem still occurs. You can do this by passing the following commandline arguments:
    -vm -Xms256M -Xmx512M
    On the Mac, these are configured in an XML file somewhere under the Eclipse.app directory.

    #215456 Reply


    I have sent you the .log by email to support@genuitec.com. I think, I have enough memory. Probably that was a problem at the beginning, but the first thing I tried after the first crash was to increase the heap.

    You will find a lot of hints regarding the problem in the log file now 🙂




    #215463 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    From the log you sent, it looks like the issue might be some bugs in MyEclipse 3.8.0 that were fixed in 3.8.1. However, I did notice some import problems for this project when testing it on 3.8.1 but I don’t know if they’d affect it if it was already existing. I think upgrading to 3.8.1 will solve the problem.

    I also tested on our internal build of 3.8.2 and once I added the appropriate jar files to the project, everything built perfectly. So, waiting on 3.8.2 will definately fix the issue, and upgrading to 3.8.1 most likely will since the only problem found was during the import.

    #215475 Reply



    I have the latest Plugin installed?:

    Version: 3.8.1
    Build id: 200408201200-3.8.1
    #215478 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Actually, can you see what build id is reported at Window > Preferences > MyEclipse? This will tell if you have the latest quickfix installed as documented here:

    #215623 Reply


    It is




    #215642 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I think we’ll just have to wait for 3.8.2 as it appears that this addresses the issue you’re experiencing.

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