
Go to URL Problem

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  • #336829 Reply


    Hi Wayne-

    When the app locks, it always locks on the ‘Cuisine’ screen. So I deleted that screen, rebuilt it from scratch, tied it in to the main screen above and detailed screens below, and it still locked this morning – again at the Cuisine screen. I randomly navigated back and forth through the app for 2 minutes or so, and she locked.

    When the app locked, the Cuisine screen is frozen – the ‘home’ nav bar will not take you back, and the screen will not scroll down. But if you hit whatever hav bars are visible – Steakhouses, etc – the app will take you those screens and back to the locked Cuisine screen. Interestingly, when you nav to the ‘steakhouse’ screen, the new screen slides over the Cuisine screen – typically when you nav between screens the first screen slides off to the left and the 2nd screen slides in from the right. But when locked yp the Cuisine screen stays in place and the new screen slides over the top of it.



    #336848 Reply

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the additional info. We have another test cycle scheduled on your app in a couple of hours using a slower iphone4. Also the info on the slide-over effect maybe useful.

    #337024 Reply


    Wayne & Octavio-

    Any updates?


    #337030 Reply

    Hi Mike,

    We should have some feedback tomorrow. We ran 2 test sessions on slower iphone4 and there was a glitch with the hardward. We had to acquire a new test device this weekend and should have it up tonight or early in the morning (Tue).

    #337185 Reply


    Octavio & Wayne-

    Any news? It’s now almost 10 weeks attempting to resolve Mobione update bugs to a time-sensitive app created last Fall.


    #337204 Reply

    Hi Mike,

    I chatted with Wayne on status. He spent a couple of session clicking through the UI according to your scenarios with no lockup. He switched to a slower iphone4 and failed to lock it up on 2 different test sessions. He said he ran out of time and planned to retask it. Unfortunately we are on the eve of a major update and 100 percent of our time is allocated until next Tues. At that time we have our lead dev scheduled to help investigate since he has some ideas based on your scenario. I realize this is taking an extended period to isolate the problem on our end. As soon as we can replicate it, then we can start work on recovery.

    #337252 Reply


    Hey Octavio-

    It locks every single time on a 4S, with 1-2 minutes of use. Thanks for your help; I guess I’m just f’d.


    #337594 Reply


    Hey Wayne & Octavio-

    1. I received Wayne’s email on 3/29 with possible paths forward on finding this problem.
    2. I sent Wayne a reply within hours requesting device ID’s for your 4, 5 and ipad, so I can add them to my provisioning test devices. I also noted I built my other updated app for Las Vegas Shopping under the current version of Mobione and it too has the exact same locking problems.
    3. I received Octavio’s email on 4/1 with device ID’s.
    4. I added your device ID’s to my iTune provisioining portal, rebuilt the Las Vegas Celebrity Chef and Las Vegas Shopping apps, noted that both locked up, and forwarded you the build emails on 4/1.

    Did you get the emails? Did you download the apps? Did you test either?

    Note initial versions of both apps built in the Fall are currently in iTunes, and neither have locking problems. Also note sales of both apps have essentially dropped to zero, because they are labeled ‘Fall 2012’, and I’ve been trying to get these apps updated for current 2013 Las Vegas market conditions since early January, but for ongoing continuing problems with Mobione.


    #337600 Reply



    Yes, received. I should have followed up yesterday. Will research if I forgot to hit send shortly.
    Short answer is yes we can replicate the lockup. Dev thinks it is out-of-memory issue. I think there are some other factors involved that we work to tune the architecture. Will follow up later today.

    #337749 Reply


    Update: 2 of our devs tested for over an hour. We have had only 1 lockup and it was on an ipod touch.
    We are implementing an optimization for the AJAX mode of the HTML page architecture which I understand is the default mode for you vegas eats project (correct me if I’m wrong). I plan to build and test a new version of your app tonight. If I am unable to replicate the problem I will share this build of MobiOne with you to use for building and testing your app.

    #337751 Reply



    Sweet! Sounds like you’ve made great progress. Yes, the AJAX mode is the default for Vegas Easts and Vegas Shopping – that was the cure for jerky scrolling. I’ve also finished a new app over the weekend for European Shopping outlets, and I’ll use the new update for that one too.

    Quick question: I notice that sometimes there’s a short white flash whren nav’ing between pages – normal, or any quick fixes? Not a big deal, just curious.

    Thank you 🙂


    #337819 Reply

    Hi Mike,

    The planned dev release was delayed until tomorrow as there are some additional fixes that blocked its release late last night and will be included tomorrow. Sorry about the hurry and wait status on this dev build but we are pushing to get some good improvement out in this next version.

    #337866 Reply

    Hi Mike,

    Mobione 2.3.2 dev15 is available. You can download it here.

    Our staff has been tied up and has not had time to try out the optimization on your app. If you can give it a go and provide feedback to us that will be greatly appreciated.

    #337895 Reply


    Octavio & Wayne-

    Success! It works!

    I’ve run through full tests of both Vegas Restaurants and Vegas Shopping apps, and neither locked. Perfect. I’ve uploaded the updates for iTunes review.

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On an unrelated question – is the new Mobione update adding widget-style features for Google maps? I have a new app for shopping outlets in Europe, and I’d like to add navigation to the maps, plus add a master map indicating all 75 outlets as map markers – any chance either of these features will be available ‘easily’ without lots of coding?

    Thank you again-


    #338062 Reply

    Hi Mike,

    We are glad to know that your apps have been finished. Congratulations!

    >is the new Mobione update adding widget-style features for Google maps? I have a new app for shopping outlets in Europe, and I’d like to add navigation to the maps, plus add a master map indicating all 75 outlets as map markers – any chance either of these features will be available ‘easily’ without lots of coding?
    The Design Center provides a map widget based on google maps that can be customized via a javascript api, you can choose to go from there. Also, you should be aware of the google maps terms of use for commercial apps.

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