
EJB Deploy Classnot path found error

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  • #322099 Reply


    There are two different problems.

    The first is to set EJB Deploy class path. It only affects ClassNotFound during EJB Deploy procedure happening on deployment. You successfully solved it by adding ejb class path argument to the JACL script. We will implement automatic addition of this parameter in future versions of ME.

    There are other ways to bypass EJBDeploy procedure happening on server side. In example, you could right-click on EAR or EJB project, select MyEclipse->Run EJB Deploy from context menu – that would make EJB Deployment to happen on ME side, putting generated stubs into .ejbdeploy source folder. Then right-clicking on your EAR project, choosing “properties” from context menu, in properties opening “MyEclipse->EAR” property page and unchecking “Run EJBDeploy tool” checkbox. This will make deployment process to use the stubs generated on client-side.

    The second problem we’re trying to investigate now is the ClassNotFound for shared library class at runtime (when your application is actually running at server side). It is not related to EJB Deploy procedure and EJB Deploy class path. The problem itself is strange as both ME and RAD just put deployment.xml having shared library references on server, there’s no magic about it. So if deployment.xml file contains correct library references, it should work.
    The solutions described in my previous posts (including making server class loader to reference the shared library) are to work around the runtime ClassNotFound issue, not EJB Deploy ClassNotFound issue. So any testing regarding these solutions should be performed when your JACL modifications (that solve EJB Deploy problem) are in place.

    Best regards,

    #322117 Reply



    I am using eclpise blue 9 which does not have EJB deploy option under myeclpise blue menu.

    I tried using MyEclpise 10 which has EJB Deploy option under My Eclpise menu and infact it is adding additional classpath,
    C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\WAS4D6.1\java\bin\rmic -classpath
    N:\Tools\Shared Java Lib\apache\log4j\log4j-1.2.8.jar; ……………

    however in this scenario I am getting a different error

    EJSRemoteStatelessRBD999PersistenceService_9d9b0808 is not a valid remote implementation: has no remote interfaces.

    The stubs are generated in the following folder

    I want to generate stubs in the following folder.

    I did not see any option in myeclpise blue where I can define a directory name for the stubs generation or it should generate in the current workspace ejbModule folder.

    Please suggest


    #322151 Reply


    It’s hard to tell why you’re getting the error without the actual code. Did you have any stub classes remaining from the ones generated by RAD?
    Regarding the “.ejbdeploy” folder, it should be generated directly in your project location. There is no way to define other location.

    Please check your forum PM inbox.

    Best regards,

    #322154 Reply



    Please note that I am able to compile the same code by modifying jacl script, using ant and RAD with various methods. So hope this is not an issue.

    In addition I removed these files and then again started ejbdeploy and got the following error. In this case the EJSRemoteStatelessRBD999PersistenceService_9d9b0808 java file does not exist in my workspace.

    ****.ejb.EJSRemoteStatelessRBD999PersistenceService_9d9b0808 is not a valid remote implementation: has no remote interfaces.

    Please suggest


    #322158 Reply


    Please note that my project in a different directory then a workspace. I think that is why it is generating in workspace project folder not in actual folder.

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