
Eclipse troubles [Closed]

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  • #204746 Reply


    I resolved the (second) problem with a project which doesn’t use Struts by moving TLDs
    under a class under WEB-INF and adding appropriate entry into web.xml.

    Tried to do the same for the project with Struts, but it didn’t help,
    still getting error “Cannot load class: <blank>”
    Why it doesn’t was which class it is looking for ?

    As for your question, Java classes implementing tags are not in a JAR,
    but are under src in the same J2EE Web Project: src/com.mycompany.mypkg.MyClass.
    If I try to add src contents to the build path, it complains about duplicate entry.

    What do you think ?

    Thank you,

    #204753 Reply


    I’ve got a suspicion that the problem is within TLD file itself.

    Tried to run application on WebLogic 7.0 deployment manually,
    when one of JSP paged run, got exception:

    <Mar 12, 2004 4:34:31 PM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <101047> <[ServletContext(id=7405703
    ,name=PET,context-path=/PET)] resolved taglib uri ‘/WEB-INF/util.tld’ to taglib-
    location WEB-INF/util.tld:>
    <Mar 12, 2004 4:34:31 PM EST> <Error> <HTTP> <101017> <[ServletContext(id=740570
    3,name=PET,context-path=/PET)] Root cause of ServletException
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 1): Error in using tag library uri=’/WEB-I
    NF/util.tld’ prefix=’util’: For tag ‘paging’, cannot load extra info class ”
    at org.apache.struts.taglib.template.InsertTag.doEndTag(InsertTag.java:1
    at jsp_servlet.__viewaccounts._jspService(__viewaccounts.java:286)
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$ServletInvocationAction.run
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubIm
    pl.java:418) …..

    If I load that TLD in IE5.5, getting:
    “Use of default namespace declaration attribute in DTD not supported. Error processing resource ‘file:///C:/temp/PET/PET/WEB-INF/util.tld’. Line 6, Position 9
    <taglib> ”
    I am not positive that IE should know what TLD or tag <taglib>,
    but I think it should be able to validate it as XML file, right ?

    Where can I send that TLD so somebody can look at it ?
    Don’t want to post it to the whole world…

    Thank you,

    #204758 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You can send files that you wish us to look at to [email protected]. Make sure to explain why you are sending it in your email, and reference this thread so we don’t get confused 🙂

    #204806 Reply

    Riyad, Scott,

    I have checked the contents of util.tld file [which I sent you via e-mail],
    the problem was that there was an empty tag there:
    <teiclass></teiclass>, so it couldn’t find and load an empty class.
    Well, original designer is no longer here, so I can’t ask of his
    intentions putting it there.

    And now I am getting a lot of new errors and warnings in MyEclipse,
    but it seems to be running just fine on WL7.

    Thank you for your help guys !

    You can consider

    #204810 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for closing the loop with us Oleg. If you run into any more troubles, please open a new thread and we’ll have a look.

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