- This topic has 66 replies, 36 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 9 months ago by
Robert Varga.
Riyad KallaMemberOur issue with this has always been download size, but I’ll broach the subject with management again.
@support-rkalla wrote:
1.2.8 is on the todo list for the 5.0M2 release.Are you saying you cannot associate docs/source with the spring libraries or are you asking that we do it by default?
Hi Riyad,
Spring libraries are fine, but for example I am not able to specify sources/docs to the J2EE library sets (!!!) and there are a couple of others (JSF, JSTL, Struts!!!) or I possibly overlooked something. Note that I checked this in 4.1.0, it may have already been fixed somewhere on the road to 5.0m1. It is really ugly, when I am getting arg0, arg1, etc. parameter names when overriding/implementing a method defined in these libraries. What I had to do in these cases is to replace the ME library set with my own user library but I don’t know if whether or not it can bring some issue in some obscure case.
I am fine with being able to specify it manually (but those settings should preferably be migratable from one installation/workspace to another one and newer ME versions should be able to read settings exported with older versions if applicable).
Best regards,
Oh, and please please please, include the latest Spring IDE in 5.0m2, or even better, release it as a separately installable but integrated addon 🙂
Best regards,
@dsurber wrote:
I’ve had trouble connecting sources to MyEclipse installed components like Spring. First I have to find the right version of the sources. Not always easy. Then I to figure out a good place to put the sources. Generally I don’t want to up them in my project because I don’t want to build the component. And it is a pain to do for each MyEclipse installed component. The only reason not to include the sources is the download time. If necessary, make it a separate download that installs itself so that MyEclipse can use it.
Half the point of open source is to be able to read the source. I can’t read sources I don’t have.
PS. Take another look at AppFuse. File>New>Project>AppFuse would be a huge win.
A good solution to this would be leveraging the usual fact, that most open source project source distributions (including Spring 1.2.*) contain all the source in a single package root directory, even if multiple jar files are built from it.
Therefore, if it would be possible to specify that directory/zip in one field, and it would automatically be copyable to a selectable list of jar files (all jars in a capability/library-set listed in a multi-select listbox), it would be much faster to specify these.
Also, it would be very useful, if capabilities/library set versions could be added manually (or cloned from an existing library set/capability) under an existing Capability.
E.g. we should not wait for Spring 1.2.8, but should be able to configure 1.2.8 by cloning the existing 1.2.7. (I know, there is only Spring 1.2.x, but no specific 1.2.7, but you get the idea).
And btw, this way you would be able to distribute capability library versions separately from the main distribution, possibly greatly reducing the download sizes for conscious users and server load in overall.
Best regards,
no answers? 🙁
Riyad KallaMemberSorry Robert, no answer because I was bringing this up with management internally, they are all good ideas, just seeing if they are ammenable to implementing the changes. (cost/priority and all that jazz)
@support-rkalla wrote:
Sorry Robert, no answer because I was bringing this up with management internally, they are all good ideas, just seeing if they are ammenable to implementing the changes. (cost/priority and all that jazz)
I know, I know, but at least those which are not implementable otherwise (source/javadoc assignment to the J2EE library sets, Struts, JSTL and JSF 🙂 )