
Add Spring + Hibernate support to MyEclipse?

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  • #216681 Reply

    Spring is a beautiful thing, gracefully answering to every OO/MVC design flaw inherent in Struts. I will never again develop using Struts, nor give it a second thought.

    #216734 Reply

    Guy Tuberson

    I would love to see Spring+Hibernate support added to MyEclipse. I would also like to see support for Acegi (http://acegisecurity.sourceforge.net/) which is a Security Framework for Spring. See project http://oness.sourceforge.net/index.html, which uses Spring+Hibernate+Acegi.

    #217280 Reply

    Freddy – Isaias

    I need help, i have a postgresql db and i am trying generate hibernate mapping files, that files are generates but they have in the property the same value of the table column name i.e. i have a table called “users” and a column called “userid”, when i create the hibernate mapping file with the wizard of MyEclipse across the DB Explorer the property is the same to the column “userid” and i want that the “userid” column table of “users” in the class Users was “id”, this is different becouse our enterprise have standares for tables and column names and that not is convenient have the same standard for the java objects. How I can configure for each table then respective class name and for each table column the respective property name in the class?. Thank you for your help, and MyEclipse is a great product.

    #217527 Reply


    Spring support would be a VERY welcome addition, and a very helpful selling point in my company-wide tool recomendation.

    I personally have a license for MyEclipse because it’s fantastic.

    #218583 Reply


    I’ve only just started developing using Spring, and it does seem to be a thing of beauty. I’d love to see support for it, but I’m not experienced enough to know exactly what form it should take.

    #219578 Reply

    Robert Varga

    You could take a look at the Gaijin Framework as well (0.9.0 preview release is out). It is a set of plugins built on top of the Spring IDE eclipse plugins, providing (some) support for Spring MVC in Eclipse. There are some pretty functionality in that for Spring (MVC), and the author seems to strive for MyEclipse compatibility for the plugin, so you should probably try to work more closely with the developer.


    Robert Varga

    #220008 Reply

    Derek Adams

    As the author of Gaijin Studio, I am all for integration with MyEclipse. Gaijin takes care of creating a Spring project including adding the required libraries and dependencies (including choice of how the libraries are deployed in the web app). It also provides a graphical flow editor and supporting builder for generating the Spring DispatcherServlet, WebApplicationContext config files, and a lot of other things. Right now, it is easiest to create a Gaijin Studio project which establishes the basic project structure, then add WebProject capabilities to point MyEclipse to the web root location. The docs are not complete for the 0.9.0 final release, but you can probably get the general idea by what is there now.

    Derek Adams
    [email protected]

    #220009 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I was very impressed with the beginnings of Gaijin. I know the team is always willing to work with authors of plugins that offer value to the community. We will be back in the office starting Monday, if you were interested in something like that I would encourage you to drop a line at [email protected] to start a dialog.

    #220113 Reply


    check out this project for a working example of Tapestry/Spring/Hibernate with source code

    Does Gaijin work on a project like this?


    #220500 Reply


    Right now, the first thing I install after MyEclipse is the SpringIDE plugin (then the FreeMarker plugin, which I use for my Spring views). It’s a useful plugin, but could maybe do more. The primary utility of it for me is checking my application context files for validity and making sure any classes I reference exist and support whatever beans I am injecting.

    SpringIDE also can make a graph of your beans, but it isn’t a feature I ever use as it’s sort of hidden and isn’t well-integrated.

    Spring development is already pretty easy, I wonder what MyEclipse can add beyond what SpringIDE does.

    #220508 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Spring development is already pretty easy, I wonder what MyEclipse can add beyond what SpringIDE does.

    And that’s where we need your help. We’re familiar with what’s available in SpringIDE, but it seems that to be a really useful integration, we should build on top of it to do more. The question remains, “what more”? 🙂

    #220524 Reply

    Derek Adams

    @orbsoft wrote:

    check out this project for a working example of Tapestry/Spring/Hibernate with source code

    Does Gaijin work on a project like this?


    In short, it might help a little. Gaijin generates code that runs on the Spring MVC framework, so it will not help much for the Tapestry part. There are pretty much two schools of thought on how web apps should be created; page-oriented (Struts, Spring MVC) and component-oriented (Tapestry, Echo). Gaijin is geared towards page-oriented applications.

    Gaijin may help a little if you are developing in Eclipse since it sets up the project structure and Spring libraries for you. It also includes the Spring IDE plugins, which make bean management a lot easier. Give it a try if you get a chance and let me know if it helps.



    #220729 Reply

    Axl Mattheus

    Spring is just like a spring. Cool, refreshing, soothing and really easy to be around in a normally dreary web world. I love Spring. Gimme, gimme, gimme ❗

    #220854 Reply

    Currently I am investiging what JSF can do for me. Mainly this is because of the fact that I am not very happy with Struts.
    In my experience Struts lacks the visual develop tools and therefore it takes too long to get to results.
    I would be happy to see integration with Spring because I think it is a very good solution as a IoC application framework.
    This could be a very good combination:
    JSF -> MVC framework, component based, Sun Java Standard!!, visual tools will be available soon !!
    Spring -> as the main framework
    -> Hibernate for persistence layer and O/R mapping etc.

    Thanks and I am looking forward to see the Spring integration !! 😉


    #220857 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I would suggest picking up Kito’s “JSF In Action” book, its quite good at going from introduction to real-world app development.

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