@support-jeff wrote:
James –
The behavior you describe for DB Explorer after you applied the fix sounds consistent with how it works:
(1) you can open a SQL editor connected to an active connection by right-clicking on a table in the navigator; or
(2) you can open a SQL editor _unconnected_ to any connections by doing a New -> File and give it an extension of .sql
Under #1, there is no connection to any existing projects – the editor has no associated file until you Save As (there is a known bug here)
Under #2, you associate the file with any project you want.
Thanks – I guess, I didn’t understand how this was supposed to work! This tool (like the other parts of your tool) is really great!
In my case, after I log in there are over 100 schemas in the left hand paine and then open up the list of tables, select one and then get the sql editor. Therefore, as a future enhancement, I would like to recommend a future preference to start up a unconnected sql editor (like #1 above) following login or when you select a schema.