Key Fixes
We fixed a number of editing annoyances:
- Save-all will no longer change the focused editor or editor order. If you’re someone who likes to compulsively save all open editors every 15 seconds, you can now go back to doing this.
- The Go to Definition command will now take you to the right location when jumping across files.
- When you use the automatic import capability, either via quick-fix or during content assist, your view will no longer jump to the insertion point, and you can continue coding uninterrupted.
- On a similar note, invoking the quick-fix action will no longer result in unnecessary text selection.
- After extensive analysis, we determined CodeMining was negatively impacting performance. Though this release includes performance fixes for CodeMining, we have chosen to keep it off by default to avoid future risk. CodeMining can be turned back on the Preferences > CodeMix > TypeScript > TypeScript/JavaScript Common pages. Please look for the References/Implementations Code Lens settings.
- The encoding mentioned on the file’s Resource property page will be respected by the editor.
- The Close all Editors keybinding is now restored, the conflicting Emmet keybinding which inserted a paragraph in HTML files instead has been changed to
Ctrl + Alt + W
. - If you’re editing a large file which has errors in it, it could take several seconds to open—this is no longer the case, the file should open immediately.
- Content assist would fail if you happened to have a more recent version of the plugin installed. We’re now compatible with all versions of guava.
- Repeated notifications about linting PHP files will no longer show every session.
- Code folding support couldn’t make this release but is coming soon.

There were a number of issues that affected the ability to launch working debugging sessions for Angular, React and Python—these issues have been fixed.
When debugging in Chrome, if the port configured is already bound, we will now notify you instead of failing silently. In fact, we’ve gone a step further and randomized the port for each session so that chances of conflicts are reduced.
Java 12
CodeMix would fail to function if you were running Eclipse with a Java 12 VM, but this latest release works just fine.
Note: If you are running Java 12, your installation of CodeMix will not automatically update. Simply use Help > Check for Updates to get this update—future updates will continue to be automatic.
Key Bindings
In rare cases, the Run and Debug keybindings failed to work when CodeMix was installed, we’ve made changes that should fix this issue.
Sticking with keybindings, it is no longer necessary to use Shift in addition to the regular Cut / Copy / Paste keybindings when in Terminal+. Simply use the regular Ctrl + X / C / V
key combos. When there is text selected in the terminal, Ctrl + C
is overloaded to copy instead of sending a break to the running program.
What would you like to see in the next CodeMix release? Let us know via Twitter or through the CodeMix forums. Happy Coding!