Posted on Sep 25th 2018
It’s fall, and we’ve just dropped our hottest release of the year, CodeMix 2.0! Well past the CodeMix 1 growing pains, we’re hitting prime time with this release, which includes the best features from Webclipse 1.x, as well as exciting new modern web tech that CodeMix brings to Eclipse from VS Code.
Exciting CodeMix Capabilities

CodeMix is an Eclipse plugin that gives you access to a wide array of technologies from VS Code, and add-on extensions built for Code OSS, directly from Eclipse. If you’re a Webclipse 1.x user, or someone who hasn’t used the CodeMix technical preview, here’s a brief recap of what CodeMix can do:
- Advanced support for frameworks like Angular, Vue.js and React
- Advanced support for languages like TypeScript, PHP, Python, or even Rust and Go
- Far improved modern web editing experience, souped-up HTML And CSS editors
- Intelligent code completion that includes parameter hints, documentation and advanced snippets
- Commands that make navigation, editing and refactoring easy
- Debugger integration that allows you to debug multiple languages and frameworks that Eclipse does not normally support
- Access to several thousand extensions, allowing you to customize and enhance your development experience as desired
You can continue to download and use Webclipse 1.x until October 17, 2018, after which you must upgrade to CodeMix 2.0. No new purchases will be necessary for licensed users – please read our FAQ, or check the Webclipse page for further details.
The CodeMix 2.0 release brings an improved coding experience with CodeMining, external build tasks via build pipelines, and an all new Code engine under the hood. Read on for the details on these powerful features.
Build Pipelines & Tasks
CodeMix 2.0 utilizes build pipelines, defined via CodeMix augmented tasks, to produce a single authoritative build of your project. With build pipelines, you can utilize external tools for building and validation, and see the results directly in your editor. By using the same tools you would normally use to build your application for deployment, you are guaranteed to have a development experience that is consistent between your IDE and production.
Beyond build pipelines, you can also run tasks configured in your project using the “Run Task” command.
Please read this document for further details on pipelines and tasks.
CodeMining & Find References
When working with source, CodeMix will add CodeMining annotations to your source that provide additional insight on how your code is being used. CodeMining support is available for languages like TypeScript and JavaScript, and even Go – if a Code OSS extension adds CodeLens support for a specific language, you will see it via CodeMining in the editor. Some mining annotations are actionable – you can click on reference and implementations to bring these up in the search view.
This bring us to our next new feature, Find References, which is accessible without having to click a mining annotation. Simply bring up the context menu on your symbol of interest, and select Find References, or use the Ctrl + Shift + G
Please see this document for more information.
Anyone familiar with web development knows what a hassle it is to set up environments with specific Node, NPM or Angular CLI versions. The Terminal+ view takes care of this for you, downloading and setting up appropriate binaries for you. Beyond these bits, Terminal+ will use an appropriate Bash shell on your system, setting up Git-Bash on Windows if it isn’t already present.
Another key feature is the ability to have multiple project-context aware terminals. Need multiple consoles in a single project, or often jump between multiple applications you’re developing? Terminal+ is just what you need.
See this document for more details.
Angular & TypeScript
We’ve amped up our Angular support, with time-saving workflow features brought into the CodeMix fold from Angular IDE. More fundamentally, we now provide better support for Angular 6, and TypeScript version 3.0.3 is supported as well.
Note: To install these advanced Angular features, please go to our Angular IDE marketplace entry, and DnD the Install button into your Eclipse instance. Follow and finish the update wizard to add Angular features to your installation.
To create a new Angular project with given versions of the CLI and Node/NPM , there’s a powerful new Angular Project wizard accessible from File > New > Project > Angular > Angular Project.
There are also convenient wizards for everything from Components to Guards – access these from the File > New > Other > Angular.
Running, Debugging & Code Live
Take a look at your Servers view, you’ll see an Angular CLI node listing all Angular projects in your workspace. Using this view, you can start or stop serving any of your Angular projects, and even initiate debugging sessions.
With CodeLive (which you can enable/disable from the same view) – you can explore running Angular applications, easily jumping to the TypeScript source of a component, or its HTML template, or CSS style.
The MiniMap is an excellent graphical outline, great for moving quickly through large files visually. As you scroll through the minimap, the corresponding code displays in the editor.
To see this view, select Window > Show View > Other > General > Minimap from the menu bar.
If you’re working with on a team that communicates with Slack, you’re going to love our Slack Integration. You can easily share code snippets with your team and view code sent to you by your teammates!
We don’t stop just there though—use the Slack command attached to your message to to open and highlight that same section of code in Eclipse. It’s a great way to collaborate with your team!
Live Preview for JEE
For Java EE developers, with Live Preview, you can easily see which files are being loaded on a web page, and jump quickly to the source. Furthermore, when you edit your HTML, CSS And even JSP files, your changes will be instantly reflected in the browser.
Note: Both Slack Integration and Live Preview for JEE can be installed by selecting the CodeMix Extended Suite from the CodeMix update site, or installing them from the the CodeMix Individual Features group.
Miscellaneous Fixes
- Our core Code Engine has been updated to version 1.27.1 – compatibility issues with extension that required more recent versions of the engine should now be resolved.
- If a failure causes the Code engine to crash, CodeMix will now detect this condition and automatically restart it – you will no longer need to restart the IDE to fix this.
- Compatibility issues with Eclipse 2018.09, as well as Java 11 have been resolved.
- Local History support now available for files edited with CodeMix editors.