Maher Masri
President and co-founder of Genuitec LLC with 30 years of diverse global expertise spanning a number of industries including logistics, automotive, telecommunications, retail and manufacturing.
Posted on Jul 19th 2017

Even though imitation might be the best form of flattery, we are Genuitec, LLC, not Genuitec, Inc. Someone is using our name and old logo to run a number of scams, including real estate transactions and software sales, with the clear intent to hide behind Genuitec’s good name. We are, however, already taking action to demand an immediate cease and desist of all false representations. We are publicly calling out this clear trade and copyright infringement to warn our customers or anyone who could potentially be deceived by their false claims.
We would also like to take this opportunity to give anyone who reads this blog a primer on how to avoid being taken advantage of. One rule of thumb continues standing true: if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is. As you know well, no Nigerian prince is going to leave you millions if you send him money, or a vehicle worth $20,000 is not going to materialize out of thin air for $2,000 on eBay or Craig’s List… On the other hand, the IRS doesn’t call and demand that you buy a gift card or meet at a public location to pay them a ransom. Your grandson is also very unlikely to suddenly call you asking for ransom money
Here are a few more quick hints on how to protect yourself against any kind of fraud:
- Never give anyone your social security number over the phone or in an e-mail. Unless you are applying for a bank loan or filling out your W2 for employment, no one else is allowed to ask for it.
- Take time to do some checking. You would be amazed how many things make so much more sense when you slow things down and make any decision on your own timetable.
- Don’t open attachments from unverified sources. Better yet, make sure you have a good virus checker for all your activities.
- Consult family or friends about what you plan to do. Two (or more) heads are better than one.
- Let your fingers do the searching. There is so much experience already online if you take a few minutes to search for it.
- Do a background check. If really interested in a cold sales call, look up the company, do some background checks, then call back using a real number (never trust your caller ID) you found in your search.
- Report any fraud to the FTC.
Do not hesitate to consult these sources to further learn how to avoid being scammed:
Paypal, FTC, Craig’s List, Avoid Fraud, Avoid scams.

For over 16 years we, at Genuitec, LLC, have worked hard to ensure customer satisfaction. For instance, now we offer the #1 free plugin Darkest Dark so that more and more developers can enjoy a great coding experience. We will continue doing everything we can to make certain we live up to the high standards we had set for ourselves since the beginning, as well as to protect our clients against fraudulent situations, such as the one we are experiencing now with Michael D. Ruth who has been using our company name and the old logo, claiming to be a data warehousing manager based in Houston, TX, while at the same time providing the following address: 4122 Avalon Drive, Wilmington, MA 01887, and [email protected] for an e-mail (note the double “t” and “.us” instead of “.com”). We are continually monitoring this situation and will be on the lookout for any others that might come up to give you a timely warning.